Update 7/20/12:
Riding on the seat is still great after 2 days of rides. Like the height, width, softness, firmness. For me, I still like it much much more than seats I have tried, ie, stock, Corbin and Maxgasser. They are both great seats but for me, well I was looking for something else.
The seat is not as soft as some may think. 60 pound foam is pretty firm and is needed considering my weight and the foam thickness. Softer foam would have me feeling the base. Soft enough on my butt and legs, hard enough so I do not bottom out in the seat pan or my pvc engineered piece.
Comments on it's looks are correct. For years the look has been either stock or a lowered seat. Seeing a vmax with this shape is way outside of the box we have become used to. One observation I have made on the SS seat is the massive amount of black vinyl on the bike, from top to bottom. Not from front to rear, that is ok with me. But because the seat has a predetermined bottom on the sides, the bottom can't be changed. Raising the top surface puts much more seat on the bike, more vinyl. That to me is what I wished could be reduced. Not by lowering the top but raising the bottom edge. Question is what would be put in the, say, 3" gap from front to back of the front seat. Something to think about. I thought about an led light strip the right size to go in the space with lights racing from front to back of the light strip. Since it is a 2005, red lights of course could be used.
The comments about the correct seat for WOT riding is correct. This is not the best seat there. I slid back a little, had to hold on more to the grips. There is not the piece there to hold you in. But for those that do not WOT but just Vboost some, I think you are ok. Just hold on more.
Still have my 2005 stock configuration and can change anytime back and forth. As long as I ride, think I will use the SS seat. Will post a road test report once I make a 200 mile trip. Will wait on the weather to break though. Today it is 105 degrees in central OK.
Thanks to all for the comments. It has been fun.