Another possible source could be failed float seat o-rings allowing fuel by the needle/seat.
+1 I just sent 4 to a maxxer in canada and that is exactly what was happening with his.Another possible source could be failed float seat o-rings allowing fuel by the needle/seat.
You can't use aftermarket brass. They are all junk. Some of the aftermarket "gaskets" and orings are ok but the brass is just complete ****.
Interestingly, I have this problem where my fuel pump always clicks *a lot*, regardless of how little or how how long I've left the bike. Overnight, for example, and it'll click at least 15-20 times, indicating dry fuel bowls. But, I have no fuel in my oil, just **** fuel consumption, and lots of fuel pump clicking. So, where does it go, and why??
What is the "Brass" or Float seat?
Drill pilot hole.
Screw in small sheet metal screw.
Yank with pliers.
You're welcome
Read this:I thought you were supposed to check the level in sight glass while engine was running and make sure it was between the marks.