Payback :-) But No Patch

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
I took SkullDuggery to the Club House Friday Night just to see if any of the guys would give me any Crap. They didn't even realize it wasn't a Harley. Bikers aren't the smartest rocks in the pile for the most part.:ummm:

Got home early and ran around the block to see if the Rich Kids were working on their Classic Mustangs in the house beside and across the street from me. There's about a 220 foot run from one corner to the next. When I saw their spotlights on I did a rolling burnout from Hell from about 5 MPH in first. Wish I'd had a video camera, it was that good. Dropped of the throttle, hit the kill switch, turned the corner and into the front driveway beside my Ford Explorer. Mary came running out wondering what I was up to. She knew it was me on the bike. All the neighbors came running out on the street where I'd done it. but they couldn't see me, the bike or Mary...

The Mustangers were yappin away. "What the hell was that" They couldn't see because they were behind a 6" Privacy Fence with the gates closed when I came through.

Anyway, I went out today to see the patch and take a picture to post and there was nothing. I'll have to do it again sometime with a video camera on board. The bike drifted to the right about a foot and stayed there to redline What a BLAST.... The kids try to do burnouts whenever they leave. Generally I just laugh, My 5.0 Explorer with Posi will do better.:worthy::worthy::worthy::clapping:
Leave it to a Maxer to bring some exitement to a quiet neighborhood!..................:punk:....................Tom.
My bike very seldom does rolling burnouts but some of my friends will and I notice there's never any mark except maybe just a clean strip on the pavement, only time I ever really see marks is when starting from a dead stop... Rolling burnouts sure do look cool though!! :punk:
I've lived in this neighborhood for 30 years, Lots of problem transients. Gangs, Derelict Adults, Thieves, Drunks and so on. I've been in over 50 fights in those years. The Mustang Kids I mentioned own the house, They rent just the house to an older lady, maintain and use the back yard to build and restore Vintage Mustangs, Cuss a lot and terrorize the neighborhood with test drives. They make quite a bit of their own noise. This is a Quiet Neighborhood only because I keep everyone off balance, most think I'm crazy. They don't know what I'm capable of so they don't mess too much. Most are forgiving of my antics because they know I'll hit neighborhood problems head on. These Kids are on my short list.

We used to be known by neighbors as the house with a Beauty, Dirty Biker and the Dog from Hell. Daytona, Our German Shepard didn't think anyone should even walk past our house without being intimidated. Mary's still Beautiful, I'm retired from the club and Daytona Died at 14.

I've never gone back to look for rubber on the ground after a rolling burn out. Usually trying to get away from the area before anyone sees me.

I have to maintain something of a radical image for our self preservation. So, the road beside our house becomes a very short drag strip for my bikes once in a while...:confused2::rofl_200:

:rofl_200:Autograph, Dave, GRUMPY or SpecOps-13:rofl_200:
I have ran both the Dunlop and Metzler, I'm not sure what tire you have but I have no problem leaving a nice black stripe on the pavement now and again, especially in 2nd gear......:biglaugh:......Sorry Dave, I guess I pictured you living in some quiet gated golf course community where if you lift your hood the seceret police are all over it........:damn angry:.........Too bad I live so far away, I would enjoy comming over and laying some rubber down with ya!...........:punk:.............Tom.
I have ran both the Dunlop and Metzler, I'm not sure what tire you have but I have no problem leaving a nice black stripe on the pavement now and again, especially in 2nd gear......:biglaugh:......Sorry Dave, I guess I pictured you living in some quiet gated golf course community where if you lift your hood the seceret police are all over it........:damn angry:.........Too bad I live so far away, I would enjoy comming over and laying some rubber down with ya!...........:punk:.............Tom.
Is there property near you? Been thinking Montana for years but Wyoming's a great place too.

Added: I have Metzler's on both Vmax's

Gated Communities are for people with 2 nickles to rub together. I pretty much am, The Secret Police. No one else around here has the balls, not even LEO's. They're always telling Mary and I to "Deal With It". We Do....
I live in Michigan, Wyoming is a small town on the south end of Grand Rapids, You're welcome to come settle here anyways!.........With a neighbor like you I think I would sleep pretty good at night.........:biglaugh:.........Tom.
I've lived in this neighborhood for 30 years, Lots of problem transients. Gangs, Derelict Adults, Thieves, Drunks and so on. I've been in over 50 fights in those years. The Mustang Kids I mentioned own the house, They rent just the house to an older lady, maintain and use the back yard to build and restore Vintage Mustangs, Cuss a lot and terrorize the neighborhood with test drives. They make quite a bit of their own noise. This is a Quiet Neighborhood only because I keep everyone off balance, most think I'm crazy. They don't know what I'm capable of so they don't mess too much. Most are forgiving of my antics because they know I'll hit neighborhood problems head on. These Kids are on my short list.
I have to maintain something of a radical image for our self preservation. So, the road beside our house becomes a very short drag strip for my bikes once in a while...

I have to ask - why would you and Mary continue to live in your neighborhood? :ummm:Close to your jobs? friends or relatives to mind?
50 fights in 30 years? NO ONE needs that type of stress!
With the current economic crisis/devalued real estate, there has got to be many sweet deals all over Florida. Why not pull up stakes and move to a better area?
My parents had a trailer in a retirement park in Zephyr Hills for years. My wife and I visited for a few weeks every year that they were there.
A church mouse would have been considered too loud and boisterous to reside in that area of Florida. But it sure gave me a peaceful, easy feeling....
OMG: I saw Wyoming and never looked any farther right. I was born in Michigan.:confused2:
Too many relatives from different tribes there. They'd probably get me into even more fights.

Mary's parents bought this property in 1948. Hard to get her to move.
She wants to go to a small ranch or farm now that she's retired. Our property went from near
$300,000 to under $100,000 with the housing crash. Another property in Florida,,,, Not. Unless it's
up in the panhandle.

Also, my Mother made me promise not to move away until she dies. That was 30 years ago, she's 97
and going pretty good still.:ummm:
I live in Michigan, Wyoming is a small town on the south end of Grand Rapids, You're welcome to come settle here anyways!.........With a neighbor like you I think I would sleep pretty good at night.........:biglaugh:.........Tom.

Tom, you'd probably find yourself on his "short list" and then you'd really have trouble sleeping at night! :biglaugh:
Tom, you'd probably find yourself on his "short list" and then you'd really have trouble sleeping at night! :biglaugh:

Never Happen to a Vmax Brother.....:rofl_200: We may both find ourselves in Jail for Drag Racing on the street though.
I left 95spfldmax's house last weekend in a hurry, he sent me this pic with a mesage " nice, 120 paces"


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Vintage Mustang Punks Vs. CaptainKyle's car

So the Vintage Mustang youngsters are punks? Eff 'em.

Here is a nice ride belonging to a acquaintance of mine, his dad is a former factory racer for AUDI, (he also raced Porsche GT's) I saw him race in the ALMS Series (Sebring, among other tracks they compete at). He did a rotisserie restoration on this, including a new floorpan. The drivetrain has been thoroughly refurbished, the block is a year-correct 302 Cleveland W/a Holley 4 bbl. The interior has a Hurst stick and the wheel is a meaty wood rim. The wheels are really-nice K-H 500's, and the bodywork is about as-close as you could get w/o spending more than the car is worth. He built it to be a driver, not a show car trailer queen. No A-C, not yet, maybe not-ever. In FL, that means it's a 'winter car,' about the opposite of what that would mean 'Up-North.' When I lived in MI, we would call a local 'winter car,' a 'huntin' car.':biglaugh:

With all the work Kyle is putting into Christine's first generation Mustang, he can appreciate the work that went into this.

I stopped by my friend's shop and this Mustang was in the parking lot, it belongs to one of the new business operators. My friend still owns the property, but is taking a step back from years of 7-day-a-week business operation, and is now free to work on a lifetime's worth of cars and bikes he has collected. He's a pilot too, and used to own a Grumman Widgeon (high-wing twin-engine, amphibious), which is a handy thing to have if you live in the Bahamas, as he did. This is not his plane, but is the correct airframe:


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specops13. You sound like a nutjob, who really needs to get over himself.
The 302 is a small block and the Cleveland is a big block........Your vast knowlege amazes me tho.........If I knew half of what you know my head would probally explode!...........:biglaugh:..............Tom............BTW, Kyles mustand looks awsome!.......:punk: