Here's a scenario that might "hit home" a bit more closely.
You have a wife and 8 year old son in a suburban neighborhood. A few months ago a new neighbor moved in to a small house a few doors down, you briefly met him at move in and know he's single, in his 30's, a teacher, and to your eyes, kind of a weirdo, but nothing to ring any alarm bells. He gets a job teaching at the local school. Over the past few months, rumors start to surround Mr.Weird. Lots of people notice he's very friendly towards kids. He offers to babysit neighborhood kids. Some people think he's gay. Your son says that he saw Mr.Weird follow another student into the boys toilets once during class, "which seemed strange". He offers to give kids a ride home after school, or watch kids for working parents. Kids he's watched love him, saying he's got lots of great toys, the latest videogames, and he's super friendly. Some people think he's just a nice guy and loves(not literally) children. You're growing more suspicious of Mr.Weird and think he likes kids just a little too much and are concerned since next year your son will be in the grade he teaches. Say your son has a friend named Jim. One day you come home and your wife tells you that she just got off the phone with Jim's mom. Jim's parents work late, and he's been staying with Mr.Weird after school for a few weeks now. Jim came home wearing different clothes than he went to school in. He says he spilled ice cream all over them at Mr.Weird's house, and he gave him fresh clothes to wear. Word has spread, neighborhood parents are suddenly a lot more weary of Mr.Weird's neighborly gestures. Jim's parents are unsure if they should press their kid for more information, or just let it go and stop leaving him with Mr.Weird and put him back in the school's after-care program.
This officially trips your ********'ve been growing more and more suspicious of Mr.Weird ever since he moved in, and this latest event finally tipped it from "uncomfortably weird" to "threat".
You, as the neighborhood parent who everyone knows is a no-******** ass-kicker because you drive a Vmax, are unofficially "elected" to get to the bottom of this. You decide to keep tabs on Mr Weird, but playing gumshoe revealed nothing. His blinds are always tightly drawn, no strange noises at night, and ringing his doorbell late at night didn't have any strange results. Still, you're convinced this guy is a perv, and call your friend in the local PD and explain the scenario and basis for suspicions. He agrees it all sounds weird, and since he trusts you agrees to assign an officer to keep an eye on his for a bit, but they can't go breaking down his door on neighbor's hunches, obviously. Even this watching is technically against protocol, but because he trusts you he slips it in. A week goes by, you call your friend back. He reports the officer didn't notice anything suspicious or of merit to further investigation. Mr.Weird appears to be a normal, law abiding citizen. Legally, he can't do anything else. You protest, but he says unless someone comes forward with official accusations, he has to stop.
Q:What do you do? Keep in mind:
-You, nor anyone else, has hard evidence Mr.Weird has done anything illegal. Being weird is not a crime.
-Your're a law-abiding citizen, and not a police officer. You can't go kick his ass, break down the door, ect.
After you think something up, read the rest.
Now, here's what "you" don't know
Mr.Weird is bat-**** horny for kids. A real perv. For years he kept it "under the table", as in just collecting images and videos from other pervs on the internet. However, about 6 months ago the anonymous porn wasn't cutting it anymore, he had to do it himself. In his old neighborhood, he had a similar gig...teacher at the local school. One day he decided to make his move on one of the kids that stayed after school with him. He "accidentally" spilled grape juice on the kid while pouring it, then invited the boy to shower and put on fresh clothes. The boy did. He entered the bathroom with a camcorder. Even at 9, the kid knew this was ****** up, hurriedly grabbed his juice-stained clothes and ran out before Mr.Weird could do anything. Word got out quickly. The student's parents didn't immediately contact the police, but the father confronted Mr.Weird, who tried to pawn it off as a genuine accident and gesture of goodwill that his son mis-interpreted and dramatized when telling his parents. No legal action was taken, but Mr.Weird knew he was done in that area. He abruptly quit his job and moved away, landing now in your neighborhood
In addition to his teaching degree, he has a degree in theatrical performance, and was moderately successful for a few years in theater i.e he's a good actor.
To fuel Mr.Weird's habit, he has a small removeable flash drive filled with illicit child porn. This is stored in a well hidden safe at all times. Assume even if police searched his house, they wouldn't find it.
Mr.Weird is in constant contact with other pedophiles via adult chatrooms. He's been fishing for techniques to keep it a secret and keep victims quiet. Coupled with his acting skills, he now feels confident he can "get away with it" and plans to make a move on another student tomorrow.
Now think about your first answer, and the situation Paterno's in.
If you follow the "Paterno is a pedophile" logic, that would make "you" a pedophile as well for not immediately taking drastic action on suspicions. It would also make your cop friend a pedophile, for not arresting this guy based on your claims. Many of your neighbors would be pedophiles as well, since they shared your knowledge, and yet did nothing.
The thing is, "you" were completely 100% right. Mr.Weird is a sicko and should be in jail, but you can't prove it, and have done everything legally in your power. It's the nature of the legal system. You decide to go all Rambo on this dick, kick in his door, and beat the **** out of him. Who goes to jail? Not the guy who whacks it to kids. You do, for assault.
Think about it. It's very easy to make big-balls "I'd beat the **** out of him at first word" statements on the internet. So if I told you that random guy across the street touches kids, you'd immediately rush over there and pound him into the ground? I doubt it.
Am I sympathizing with child molesters? Absolutely not. It's the most perverted sexual crime imaginable and should be dealt with swiftly and harshly. My point is Paterno is just the "fall guy". He told the police(which were "real" police), and superiors. He did his part. Someone else dropped the ball, but "university janitor ignores sexual abuse" isn't as good of a headline as "Nationally recognized football coach allows child molestation in his program". It's the news people, don't believe every word of it.