Penn State firings

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Joe Paterno-gone! School president-gone! Consequences for actions, or lack-of actions.
Terrible news with what happened. I'm also still curious why the 'assistant' who found sandusky didn't file a police report.
A real black eye for the school. The sister of a childhood friend I was just visiting w/tonite has worked for PSU for decades. You just have to pray for the children who are probably grown now, to be able to live as normal lives as possible.
I'm a senior there now... It's incredible how this is effecting every member of the Penn state family. Joe PA didn't deserve this. He reported what he was told to his superiors, one of whom is the overseer of the university police force. Their failures have fallen upon the shoulders of an icon; the face of Penn State. It's just a terrible mess.
Like Bill said, thats just a ****** way for Joe's career at PSU to end..

"Not-so-Happy Valley"
It's worse than an asterisk next to you in the record book.

There goes his after-football motivational speaking career. His homilies will ring hollow with many people now. The accused sex offender should have been placed on administrative leave as soon as the allegation was found to have probable merit, and the investigation to be done by the local authority having jurisdiction, though given the nature of the high-profile of the case, I could see the state attorney stepping-in. Not being an attorney, I don't know if that would happen.
All I know is that if one of my kids, or my brother was one of the kids that got "touched" and I later found out that Joe knew about it, and basically allowed it to be done for years to come.... I would be outraged. I just want Joe to be treated like everyone else involved with this situation... I don't care who he is.... wrong is wrong.

Crimes against children are the WORST crime. I personally feel anyone who turned a blind eye to this should be brought up on obstruction of justice charges. They were more worried about the reputation of the university than the welfare of the kids involved. Maybe Paterno did follow procedure in reporting the incident but there's a moral issue here that goes beyond chain of command. How could anyone knowing what a piece of **** Sandusky is EVER be able to see him and not punch the ******* in the face let alone continue to let this continue. If I ever saw a man raping a 10 year old in a shower. He wouldnt be able to have the luxury of having a trial by his peers. I personally would appoint myself Judge, jury and executioner!! Period. Wait till he goes to jail! Prisoners will have give him a taste of his on medicine. BURN IN HELL SANDUSKY!!
Please keep a few facts in mind when judging Joe Pa...

1. Sandusky is the Pedophile, not Joe
2. Joe Pa reported the situation to his superiors as soon as he heard about it
3. Gary Schultz was brought into the picture because he is the overseer of the University's Police Department. In Joe's eyes, the police had been informed.
4. Sandusky was a friend of Joe Pa's for 30+ years. Not only do you not want to believe such a thing could be true, but you also cannot simply ask how the investigation is going. You are a conflict of interest.

In my eyes, if I were McQueary, the Grad Student who saw what was going on, I would've gone in there and beat the man to within an inch of his life, grabbed him by his dick, and drug him however many miles it is to the nearest police station.

Hindsight is always 20/20. All I can do is try to look back at what Joe Pa knew and what he was probably thinking at the time. He made a judgement call, and now we see that he could have done more; I will not condemn him for it.

*Keep in mind, Sandusky has "allegedly" done all of these things. There is staggering evidence against him and I'm pretty sure his ass is going to jail, but for now he is innocent until proven guilty.
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dinky -> i agree a lot of what you say except joe pa telling the university police was enough. i went to a small college where telling 'campus police' wouldn't do **** so maybe i don't understand the leverage the UP have.

that being said, i also 100% stand behind your mcqueary comments. wtf was he thinking? call yourself a coward, to shook up to do anything about it fine, i'll call you a pussy and let you hang your head low, but going to a football coach? goto the ******* police to report it.

end rant.
Yeah, PSU police carry guns and have the same authority as municipal level police officers. It's not really a "campus police" like most people would think.
The crux of the matter is not whether the legal requirements were met, which according to the authorities Joe P. actually met the legal ones, but whether or not he could have done more. The main problem as I see it is that he got the information 2nd or 3rd hand and it may have lost something in the translation as far as urgency is concerned. Not making excuses for him, but given what I have heard this seems possible. The court of public opinion is going to crucify him because people believe he didn't do enough to stop what was going on, but what we do not know is what exactly he did know vs what he reported to the authorities.

Having said that Sandusky should hang by his nuts while the victims and their families beat him like a piniata!!!!
Who wants to bet a certain community in OH changes its name to "NotMe?"
I have a special place in my life for those that are or were victims of this the most evil of crimes.
I am pretty open minded and to each his own HOWEVER YOU DONT TOUCH CHILDREN EVER!!!! I heard this on the news the other day and was completely outraged. I would not give a crap if it was Mother Theresa that saw and only went the required distance to tell the supervisor or doughnut eating rental cop. EVERYONE that knew and allowed this to happen is guilty..BAR NONE! reputations are built on character the character that these criminals showed was week and cowardice. There is a special place in hell for each one of them. Hopefully sooner than later, those who prey on the weak, elderly, and especially the children should be walked directly from their conviction to a firing line and shot. No appeals no living off the tax payers in a prison for a few years to just get out and repeat. A bullet is a sure guarantee that there will be no repeats; It will also dissuade the predator from initiating his behavior too.
I am in an organization that directly works with the victims of these ******** and get to hear the damage to the kids firsthand in court, at CAC meetings and when we go adopt these kids into our club they are scared and speculative. After a while they do get to be kids again but to what degree after their innocence is stolen? GRRRR!!

OK Ill stop ranting now but this is definitely close to my heart. If anyone is interested in either donating or joining this biker based organization check out

The crux of the matter is not whether the legal requirements were met, which according to the authorities Joe P. actually met the legal ones, but whether or not he could have done more. The main problem as I see it is that he got the information 2nd or 3rd hand and it may have lost something in the translation as far as urgency is concerned. Not making excuses for him, but given what I have heard this seems possible. The court of public opinion is going to crucify him because people believe he didn't do enough to stop what was going on, but what we do not know is what exactly he did know vs what he reported to the authorities.

Having said that Sandusky should hang by his nuts while the victims and their families beat him like a piniata!!!!


He heard about it, then reported it to his supervisors. They dropped the ball. Who knows what he was told after he reported it. He cooperated from the start, the hirearchy brushed it under the rug afterwards. It wasn't his position to go to the police. Why didn't the player go to the cops you ask? Generally the players trust the coach, I know I did. It was not his job to go to the police, but his supervisors (there are actually rules, when you get hired). They should have reported it, and simultaniously started thier own investigation on Sandusky.

More than likely the delay was the $'s the football program brings in and probably thinking it will be proved false like the ,Duke, lacross team incident (Where the press and others assumed and called the players guilty, and the DA disbarred due to intentionally withholding DNA evidence.)

Not saying it was the right approach, but in cases like this, they all go after the big name. How many have heard of Sandusky vs. Joe?
All involved with the cover up showed their true colors toward child molestation and they should be crucified
If Joe told anybody, then had knowledge that it was still going on? He didn't finish doing the right thing. That in itself may be a crime in some states. I hope that's not the case. To a football fan this is way worse than the Madoff affair. Joe was looked up to by so many including me. Devastated is all I can say. And the focus on the poor kid is being brushed aside. What about him? Does this kid grow up to be a molester? Many do.
so many people failed to do anything. the assistanct coach, joe pa, the ad, vp, MULTIPLE janitorial staff walked in on other acts by sandusky on boys. sickening.
Regardless of what you think about Joe PA, the fact that he has not been charged goes to the fact that he did not in any way break the law. While he probably didn't do everything he should have, that is a moral issue and obviously not a legal one.

The actions of the university board to dismiss these individuals, regardless of their status as a PSU icon, was the right thing to do.
They had to dismiss everyone who had knowledge of this incident but did nothing about it. When this thing comes to trial, and if Sandusky is found guilty, the civil suits will start flooding in and PSU WILL be squarely in the crosshairs. The board is doing their best to distance the university from this incident as quickly as possible.

What does it say about the university and their moral compass if they allow someone who knew about a child molestation, but really didn't do anything to stop it, remain at the university whether it be for 3 games of 3 years. It would show a callous and cavalier attitude to the fact that PSU cares more about the career of one individual than the seriousness of the committed offense.

IMHO the university did the correct thing by releasing all who had knowledge of Sandusky's actions but did nothing to stop it. I feel bad for Joe, to have had such a lengthly and distinguished career and to go out on this note, however he made this decision and now must suffer the consequences of his action or inaction.