Please help me out on this

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Liberty, Mo.
I'm working on my term paper for my psyc. class....and I need as many responses to this as I can get.

First do you have a phobia (snakes, spiders,heights, flying, or anything else), or a very strong dislike of a certain flavor or food, maybe you over analyze any situation where there is even the slightest possibility of you getting physically hurt?

if so what is it?

and can you trace this phobia/ fear, dislike, or being overly cautious, back to a specific event in your life?

Please understand by posting in this thread you are giving me permission to use your post and the information in it, in my paper...I WILL NOT HOWEVER USE ANYONES REAL NAME (OR SCREEN NAME) OR PERSONAL INFO IN MY PAPER.
I am very afraid of maggots. They are disgusting, just the thought of them makes me want to cringe. They freak me out and if i see one i will scream like a little girl.

It all goes back to when i was a kid. I was probably about 8 years old. My mom brought home 2 kittens for me and my younger brother. I named my cat boogy, he was a boy. My brother named his cat sadey, she was a girl. We had the cats about a year and i came pretty attatched to boogey. My parents got a divorce and i moved in with my mom. The cat had to stay at my dads. Well my dad moved in with my uncle while he was remodeling his house. They live out in the country about 5 miles away, so the cats had to go there. They were outside cats now.

One day i hadnt been out to my dad/uncles for about a month or so and i couldnt find boogey. I was freaking out. I finally found him and heard this wierd noise coming from the bushes he came out of. It was kittens! KITTENS! Boogey was a GIRL! AAAAAAH

So i was checking these kittens out and they had these little teeny tiny white things on them. I thought nothing of it, and played with the kittens, those cute little kittens, such cute things, until i realized these teeny tiny white things were........BABY MAGGOTS, AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

The kittens were half dead and infested with maggots, noone knew she had the kittens. It was horrible
The only phobia That I have is getting behind a school bus or old person driving and not having my Vmax to blast by them in third gear wide open. LOL!
I fear any insect with more than six legs. I can't trace this to anything early in my life, which is what I think you want for your paper. Sorry.

We live in the country, and every fall, wolf spiders move in to the basement, looking for a warm place to spend the winter. I spray for them, and swat as many as I see. I kill as many as 100 many years. They have never come upstairs, that I'm aware of, but they get huge and scare **** out of me. They're usually gone by the onset of winter, but I killed one over two inches across (including its legs) just last week. Had to swat that one several times. I get the creeps just writing this.

I run, and I've faced down many aggressive farm dogs. Give me a nasty German Shepherd over one of those damned wolf spiders (or any other kind) any day.
Maximum said:
I fear any insect with more than six legs. I can't trace this to anything early in my life, which is what I think you want for your paper. Sorry.

We live in the country, and every fall, wolf spiders move in to the basement, looking for a warm place to spend the winter. I spray for them, and swat as many as I see. I kill as many as 100 many years. They have never come upstairs, that I'm aware of, but they get huge and scare **** out of me. They're usually gone by the onset of winter, but I killed one over two inches across (including its legs) just last week. Had to swat that one several times. I get the creeps just writing this.

I run, and I've faced down many aggressive farm dogs. Give me a nasty German Shepherd over one of those damned wolf spiders (or any other kind) any day.

accually that helps as well, I'm just trying to show that most people with phobia's or strong fears ect...can trace it down to a early memory, but every good research paper has to have both sides of the thankyou very much for your response...

on a side note I'm finding that most people that list spiders or snakes as thier fear, don't have a specific incodent to trace it back your not
Ok, after talking to my professor about this project, which she thought was a great idea, there are two other things I need to know

1. if you can trace it back to a memory, how old were you? (most of you already put this in your story so we are cool there..

2. is anyone else in your immediate family share this fear or dislike with you.

Noone in my family is scared of maggots but me. My mom is as terrified of praying mantis's just as bad as me and the maggots.

When she was little she thought she had brought a butterfly cocoon home, they put it on the dryer and when it finally hatched or whatever they had a zillion little baby praying mantis's all over the house. Im not sure how old she was hell lets say she was 10?
I have a few phobia's that really get me. My biggest phobia is of spiders and snakes. I know that i am most affraid of spiders because when i was little i didn't clean my room much and brown recluse spidrs would infest my room. Well one summer i had them real bad and i would wake up to them crawling on me. One night i had one right over my eye, another night i had one on my arm and another on my stomach. Ever since then the site of spiders makes me jump. I dont' really have a reason for the snakes, mostly the fact that they bite and are poisones

My next biggest phobia woud be claustrophobia, if i get stuck in a small area against my own will i will go absolutley crazy to get out. Even if i get in a wrestling match and the other person gets me tangled up to where i can't move, i'll go ape **** with strength i didn't know i had to get out. I think this is cause by when i was little i used to love tight spaces and not ever think twice about it until i grew like 8 inches in a summer and those small spaces became even smaller.

And the last and least is the fear of heights. I get queezy even if my friends are playing video games and they fall off a building. No clue what this is tied to.
Just got my paper back today, and I got an A :banana: .....thanks for the replies/help......