Prototype VMax?

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Tried around answer. Answering machine sounded like it was at a shop or something...."to inquire about the status of a repair....ect, ect"

Though that would be after 5 detroit time, I'll give it another go earlier tomorrow.
I know why you didn't get an answer at "Redneck Engineering," he was caught under his work:


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I would like to know if the guy is actually that stupid, or if he is trying to rip some un-suspecting person off. I would assume the former, or else he would of at least posted some unreal inflated HP number.

Guy probably paid $14,000.00 for it six months ago. :rofl_200:
I,ve heard of problems with "bad water" over there in shelby twp...Maybe he drinks right out of gun lake at the boat launch? :rofl_200:
I called and he told me that he also has the "high-tensile" carb chains! The biggest surprise was when he told me he took it to a MI dragstrip, US131 Martin Dragway when they had 'motorcycle night' and after he lent his bike to a professional racer who was there, the guy made two runs and came back and told him "you couldn't pay me enough to run that thing, it's got too-much power!" He said the guy's name was Jay Gleason.

So he's got that goin' for him too!

"VMax-the beast without equal for the beast within!"

Never stop the meds without the doctors permission!
I'm about ready to part ways with a seller, though I've gotten some great deals there, selling there is hell there sometimes. It's not a hot bed for mental health. I'd never give my phone nimber to Cl. adds again, unless you want interesting entertainment at late hrs.I had a lady buy my boat from me last summer on CL,I had a feeling her elevator didn't go to the top floor.The next day she called to say she wanted to come by and pay for the boat? I told her I could use a donation but already had her money? The wife was already to invite these crazy people in. Too trusting. Carefull!
I've never had problems putting my cell # in CL ads....I mix the number in words and numbers with spaces to throw off the harvester bots(never gotten any "spam" phone calls), and people tend to be pretty reasonable with midnight or 5am wake-up calls either.

As long as you "don't trust anybody", and act as such, craigslist works fine. It's the "nice guys" who inevitably get screwed over.

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