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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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I invented a re-use for my wife's throw away laundry detergent containers. She uses the liquid detergent. There is always some left in the bottom of the bottle, it just will not come out. I fill with hot water and take it to the shop. When I need a quick wash of my hands I push the button valve on the container and the soapy water falls in by hands. I wash, re-wash, using plenty of liquid. Then using the towel that sits on top of it I dry off. Works really well. I have no running water in my shop so this works from dry to wet to dry again. Is a quick remedy for dirty hands when you need to go to a clean hand procedure. You can also adjust the strength of the mixture for dirtier hands by filling with hot water sooner with more detergent in the bottle.

"Hint from Heloise:" Cutting detergent containers horizontally makes good parts containers. You can use them to do parts washing too, just make sure that the solvent you use won't deteriorate the container. I suppose you could cut them vertically if you needed a shallow larger container. Good for doing disassemblies, if you collect a few of them, and keep them in a cardboard box. I use a cafeteria tray during disassemblies to prevent little pieces from rolling-off the table, as in carb work. Ice cube trays are good for sorting parts too. I use a Sharpie extra-fine point marker and masking tape to make labels I can stick on a sandwich, quart or gallon size plastic bag, if it's something I am going to come-back to another day.
I use the masking tape and sharpie too. Don't know what I would do without labeling. All good ideas. Thanks.
Yep, laundry detergent works pretty good. My entire basement is a garage since there is no wall between the "garage" area and the rest of it. I've taken over the majority of it. Wifey has some stuff in there but most is my junk. She has a small laundry area as well. I recently started invading over there and claimed half of the utility sink as my wet sanding work station. Works pretty good. I set a coupld 2x4's across the sink and put my pieces up there, turn the water on real low and go to town.

I used to be pretty organized but in the past year I have been slacking big time. I have a old set of kitchen cabinets that I replaced the counter with 3/4 plywood to use as a work bench in one area. Its useless right now since its covered with vmax parts. A makeshift table made of sawhorses and plywood, covered with GS parts. Another makeshit table with old, steel kitchen cabinet bases covered with vmax parts. A rolling toolbox/ table covered in stuff. A big steel draftsman table that I consider my "real workbench"....covered with vmax parts and tools. Dirt bike parts all over the floor. Basically just junk. Everywhere.

I can't wait till the vmax is done and I can clean up half the mess. Then, I need to sell all this other crap I've got laying around.

If you know anyone that needs a Gen2 busa lower triple, GS550 parts, CRF rear wheel or front brakes or airbox or, KX rear wheel or brakes or...........
on the hand cleaner note, remarkably auto trans fluid works to break the tough grease then any soap to wash up. but + 100 on the detergent, i never thought of that...