Red light cameras solutions wanted

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there are no toll roads here in saskatchewan... i think its almost illegal imo. gvt doesnt take enough tax? sheesh...

In CA it is not legal to have anything covering your plate, even clear plastic or glass. Not sure why.

Same in Texas; it is specifically to prevent the covers that "glare up" when a camera flash hits them, as well as stopping the license plate frames that obscure the state or whatnot....

The law was passed before redlight cameras became all the rage, it was intended to stop toll road bandits....BTW...Red light cameras are going away in Texas city by city, gradually but slowly and surely......

about 95% of the tickets they were issuing in the Houston metro area were for "failure to make a complete stop before a right on red" and the tolerance was so tigh that tickets were being issued for violations that would have got a pass from most LEO's..........It's led to a lot of public outrage......Plus the municipalties involved were shortening the yellow light to increase revenue....thereby making the intersections even more dangerous than before...
WOW. How shameful.

And yet so unsurprising.

The same problem came up with a red-light camera kick around here a few years ago....the local talking heads actually ran some "special investigation" and said that intersections with newly installed red light cams had shorter yellow's than other surrounding non-cam intersections, by like a second or so. A second is just enough to **** up people's judgment about how much time is left, so when you think you'd easily make it, it really turns red right as you roll over the red line and poof! ticket's in the mail. Some civil rights/consumer advocate/whatever group around here had a field day with it, since it does pretty definitely prove that these cameras are not for "the interest of safer roads" as the local PD so diligently claimed, and simply another way to **** over taxpayers to pay for NY's broke ass government.

There's still a few at the high-volume intersections, but a lot of the others were removed not too long afterward. Something about them being "too expensive" to maintain i.e after a couple months everyone got wise and the cash cow dried up.
Iuse the garmin 1350 ltm, it costs about 125.00,free life time maps ,annual camera service is 25.00 ,a big plus is the lane assist,the motorcycle mounts dont work well but i velcroed mine to the speedo ,speed is shown on the gps .check it out ,Ican send a pic of mine ...just a suggestion ..