Scary thought about the election

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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
El Dorado, CA

Columnist Andrew McCarthy gives us what probably is the most important
question regarding the upcoming presidential election.

I will enthusiastically support Mitt's candidacy. For my friends who have
hesitation on that score, I'd just ask you to keep four things in mind:

1.. Justice Scalia just turned 78
2.. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
3.. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
4.. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

We wish them all well, of course, but the brute fact is that whoever we
elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least
one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court - in addition to
hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making
momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.

If you don't think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt
Romney or Barack Obama, I think you're smokin' something funky.

So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite
didn't get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can't win...
Imagine this:


After you have stopped gasping, kindly send this forward to your list of
concerned citizens.

Very, Very Scary Thoughts.. :bang head:

My Dr just wrote Congress about proposed firearms agreements with the U.N.....
I was raised as a Democrat, but this was in the 50's & 60's. The Democratic Party of those days bears no resemblance to the Party of today. Back then they were all about helping the "little guy" get ahead and achieve success. Now they are all about handouts to illegals, druggies, and do-nothings. Heaven forbid you should want to start your own business for profit to make your own way. The government can take care of you better than you can for yourself.

I heard several years ago, I think it was on Bill Maher's show, an avowed Socialist make the statement "A Socialist could never be elected President of the US running as a Socialist. But that no longer matters, because the Democrats have now adopted our platform."
I was raised as a Democrat, but this was in the 50's & 60's. The Democratic Party of those days bears no resemblance to the Party of today. Back then they were all about helping the "little guy" get ahead and achieve success. Now they are all about handouts to illegals, druggies, and do-nothings. Heaven forbid you should want to start your own business for profit to make your own way. The government can take care of you better than you can for yourself.

I heard several years ago, I think it was on Bill Maher's show, an avowed Socialist make the statement "A Socialist could never be elected President of the US running as a Socialist. But that no longer matters, because the Democrats have now adopted our platform."

Once you have been socialized to accept the premiss that being on the dole is your birth right, you have now accepted being controlled by those that hand out the candy. You have lost your liberty.

The Government
Wants every citizen to prove
they are insured...
But people don't have to
prove they are citizens."

If OBummer gets re-elected, all we gotta do is go down to Walgreens, buy some spray-on tan, lose 100% of our identification, claim our name is Heysoos (Jesus, or whatever) and get in line down at the welfare store and sign up for all the free handouts. We got it made from there on out... :ummm: (I'd use the LMAO smilie here, but there ain't anything f'ing funny about this ch!t any more)

I got a call during my lunch today from the local Democratic party asking me questions about a couple Missouri State Dem candidates for office. MAN, did it feel gooooood to unload. Afterwards, I felt a bit sorry for the poor paid phone operator that called me. I suspect she put me down as a staunch Repub and/or added me to their NO-CALL list for here on out.

....just my 1/2 cent worth. YOU KEEP THE CHANGE PLEASE.
I don't envy you americains for your options.
Choosing between a messias who didn't deliver, and a religious zealot of the old boys network.
Good luck :)
I don't envy you americains for your options.
Choosing between a messias who didn't deliver, and a religious zealot of the old boys network.
Good luck :)

you said it:biglaugh:.....i hate our political system. its so far gone and corrupt ist beyond repair. i laugh every time i hear a new presidential candidate say he can "change" everything....:rofl_200:
I guess we have to ask ourselves..........Who can do the least amount of damage in the next 4 years........If I ran my budget like the government runs theirs, I would be in prision...............Tom.
I guess we have to ask ourselves..........Who can do the least amount of damage in the next 4 years........If I ran my budget like the government runs theirs, I would be in prision...............Tom.

I honestly think it's Mitt Romney or we're DONE.... The S in USA will take on a new meaning for all time.... Do you all know about the 40,000 drones ordered to be used within the United States. Or the Extreme Ground Surveillance Vehicles for use within our borders. How about the Army setting up Interment Camps here, For US....... That's an Army Documented Happening. We'll be like the Japanese Americans of WWII. God Help Us, it's already at the Point of No Return.....
:bang head::bang head::bang head:

That's our biggest problem. In just about every election since JFK, there has been no one to vote FOR. We have had to vote AGAINST the one we dislike the most. Obama was the first candidate in years people actually voted FOR, and they did it for all the wrong reasons., and look where it got us. AAARRRGGHH!!!
Obamas biggest supporter
Goldman Sachs
Romneys biggest supporter
Goldman Sachs

These 2 are so similar, it wont matter who wins between the 2. Warmongers, big government, 2nd amendment haters. NDAA supporters the both of them. Both are puppets of the world bank/ world government. PoliceState America will be the result of either being elected.

For the record, Romney is not the candidate until he is nominated at the RNC convention in tampa. There are alternatives. Ron Paul will be on the ballot to be nominated. Gary Johnsonis running 3rd party as a libertarian.
all the more reason to note vote for either candidate and start making our voice be heard that there are other options.
I agree a third option is needed. The problem is, no third party has a chance of winning this election, and a vote for anyone else dilutes the votes against Obama. The libs will of course stand by Obama, making him a shoo-in. If that happens, we are truly screwed.

Please, please, don't think that a vote for a third party would be a good thing in this particular election. Save that for a time when it isn't so drastically necessary to oust the incumbent.
sitting back in canada.... watching the unfolding circus.... :th_favorites24:

Both candidates suck, one is a Socialist, Communist, the other a War Monger that will do the bidding of Israel, give us a World War that his strapping sons will never fight in, but our kids will have to.

I am voting third party, and **** Obama and Romney.

Both will shred the Constituition, one already has and the other is silent while it goes on!

Both candidates suck, one is a Socialist, Communist, the other a War Monger that will do the bidding of Israel, give us a World War that his strapping sons will never fight in, but our kids will have to.

I am voting third party, and **** Obama and Romney.

Both will shred the Constituition, one already has and the other is silent while it goes on!


I'm less than happy with Romney's record on 2nd Amendment issues, but I'm not aware of him being a warmonger, or Obama NOT being one. Did Massachusetts attack anyone while he was governor? Did he order assassinations by drones on US citizens in direct violation of the 5th Amendment (due process)?

You'll get no argument from me that the choices are poor. However, considering them equally poor is, IMO, shoddy analysis. Given the abysmal handling of the government's fiscal matters, reelecting Obama would send a message to all future motherfuckers who hold the job that they can expect to NOT be held accountable for their performance. Simply put, I consider re-hiring anyone who has done as poorly as the current admin as a giant **** YOU to our children & grandchildren. If the next SOB does as poorly, then we fire his ass in 4 years, too.

4 years ago, the US government was $10,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. Today, we are nudging $16,000,000,000,000.00, and will easily surpass it by the end of Obama's term. At this rate, that means he will have presided over a larger increase in debt than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED by the end of his 6th year in office. He's got to ******* go.

Disclaimer: I was raised to be a Democrat. That changed when I started studying economics. I am an accountant by profession, and a former Treasury Dept employee.
sitting back in canada.... watching the unfolding circus....

Keep the beer cold for me when I get there.
I'm less than happy with Romney's record on 2nd Amendment issues, but I'm not aware of him being a warmonger, or Obama NOT being one. Did Massachusetts attack anyone while he was governor? Did he order assassinations by drones on US citizens in direct violation of the 5th Amendment (due process)?

You'll get no argument from me that the choices are poor. However, considering them equally poor is, IMO, shoddy analysis. Given the abysmal handling of the government's fiscal matters, reelecting Obama would send a message to all future motherfuckers who hold the job that they can expect to NOT be held accountable for their performance. Simply put, I consider re-hiring anyone who has done as poorly as the current admin as a giant **** YOU to our children & grandchildren. If the next SOB does as poorly, then we fire his ass in 4 years, too.

4 years ago, the US government was $10,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. Today, we are nudging $16,000,000,000,000.00, and will easily surpass it by the end of Obama's term. At this rate, that means he will have presided over a larger increase in debt than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED by the end of his 6th year in office. He's got to ******* go.

Disclaimer: I was raised to be a Democrat. That changed when I started studying economics. I am an accountant by profession, and a former Treasury Dept employee.


Romney is silent on the NDAA, silent on going to war with no declaration from Congress as the Constitution calls for, silent on Obama not up holding the laws of the U.S. concerning Illegal's. Romney would let the Generals decide when we leave Afg. and Iraq and all the other places we are involved in and he would allow Israel to control our foreign policy in regards to the Middle East, doing what is best for Israel not us!

Romney will not balance the budget anymore than Obama will, unless he does it by cutting programs for the people such as SS and Medicaid, Medicare, etc, things we pay into, and raising spending on the military and of course not raising taxes on anyone. He will most likely cut it for Big business.

How did Romney get $108 million in an IRA:confused2:!!!

Reagan, the God of the Republicans, also left a mamoth deficit.

Klatu, pay real close attention to Romney as I have, and you will see for yourself.

Third party is the only way to go,,,all else has failed us miserably.

We are ******, it really is to late, and we will reap what we have sowed.

Keep the beer cold for me when I get there.

you got it, with some lawn chairs facing south to watch the impending implosion of the great society of the usa.... all are welcome to join.

I know no govt is ever remotly close to perfect but, from a non biased outsider point of view, you guys are doomed.


a third party president isnt gonna get anything accomplished with a democratic and republican congress...cept maybe a few ********.....the problem isnt just the president...its our entire political system.