Well-Known Member
FYI: To all VMOA members... Make sure you renew your membership before September to save the $10 price increase. Just thought I would remind everyone about what was stated in the Vboost.
$10 increase :confused2: AYFKM......
Yes, I do understand Jim... But, a few of my buddy's bailed out after the last increase. And, it'll be ever harder to sell a new person a $40 membership. I am however looking forward to these up and coming improvements.
I have no problem with a dues increase if knowing the club will benefit as a whole... I have no problem with that at all if it is used for positive rebuilding of the club. I'll pony that up and more...
BUT... if the increase is in part so the VMOA can "sponsor" events?
Jim, you slip that in all of your write ups.
What is in that for the benefit/health of the VMOA as a whole?
The club needs to be good, healthy and strong with new and exciting offerings available to the entire worldwide club membership before the words "sponsor" should ever even be whispered...
We can barely publish the VBoost... the website is archaic at best... the tired store offerings were mentioned above...
G Man
When the term sponser is used it seems one needs to be very clear what that actually means. I know no VMOA money was used for the last Thunder as it should be. But in the past that was not always the case. Any yes, it likely was my procrastination in changing my address that caused me not receiving the Vboost. I may be wrong but the mag isn't forwarded. I do have all my mail from MA. fowarded to an address in Coronado and pick it up locally. Funny how it works but the bills always seem to find me. But of course it could have been Jasse just omiting sending me one like as happened in the past. I have been trying to contact Paul but have not been able as yet. I may be in Mexico but I haven't fallen off the end of Baja and live only 30 miles from San Diego. If you look on my profile in MA. on the VMOA website my correct address in CA. is shown. Feel free to send me a Vboost.
David Tavares
:ummm: Hey, I moved also and didn't recieve a copy. Can you send me one to my new address too. Thanks, Spurs
A dues increase may be easier to handle if the membership had a timeline as to when these new changes/improvements were going to take place.
It is unfortunate (and not your fault) but if changes are referred to simply as something that will happen sometime in the future, some folks (excluding the kool-aid drinkers) may debate renewing a more expensive membership.
Just my 2 cents.
Sometimes I'm naive so I have to ask, What is a cool-aid drinker? Is that supposed to be a slur?
Its a metaphor for people who blindly follow.
ie. Jim Jones' cult followers (hence cool-aid drinker)