Well-Known Member
I have noticed that Shell Rotella T 5w-40, is now replaced with Shell Rotella T6 5w-40.
Saw that already, what's your take........
I am running the Rotella in my Max and seem to work very well. The tranny shifts like a dream. I am also from the school of "it is cheap insurance" as I change mine every 1500-2000 miles.
ooo Dan better not let her see how we get bon fires going at my place then, we'll let the image of the pretty maple trees distract her while "Fire in the hole" is heard unk:Same here....every 2K, oil & filter. Save the used oil for chainsaw bar oil or to start brush fires when my environmentalist wife isn't looking!! :rofl_200:
I run 5w40, is that what everyone else is using?
It's what I use. They changed it to a group IV from III which is GOOD!
I have never used the rotella 5w-40 synthetic. I have been running the 15-40 dino oil.
Has anyone had any issues at all with clutch slip using the rotella synthetic?? I have read that a lot of guys have issues with the synth oils and clutches so I've stayed away.
thought the T5 was a syn blend and the T6 was a syn? anyways running 15w40 and seems to run wicked in the bike. ya they have dropped the zinc content but like others said better then the alternative. there are zinc additives but real hard to find, almost impossible up here. GM discontinued theirs and other companies selling it as break-in oil. if anyone knows a place that sells ZPPD thats the stuff. they wont ship to CDN cause its oil in the mail, its just a small bottle a few oz.