So, it is my B-Day on Thursday...and I am getting myself this...

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Tell me where you live.

ASAP, I will meet you anytime, anywhere, at any circuit or street. I'll be bringing my buddy's 2006 GSXR 1000.

Plan accordingly.

Tell me where you live.

ASAP, I will meet you anytime, anywhere, at any circuit or street. I'll be bringing my buddy's 2006 GSXR 1000.

Plan accordingly.


Oh, come on Tom. Spare me. You need a 180 HP missle to take on a 45HP dirtbike? What about if I choose a Go-Kart track? How is that GSXR gonna handle that? :eusa_dance:

I am trying to recruit someone to meet you at Deals this weekend and show you the SM way...or at least their tail light. I wish I could come up and let you RIDE MY BIKE, because you would have a change of heart.

Take it down a notch, this is not some gauntlet or contest.

As long as they're on YOUR BIKE that can BEAT ANY SPORT BIKE braggart, I'll take on anybody you have ride it...on MY VMAX.

Bring it.

Check other treads. You know where I'll be staying.

Look who's making all the excuses. Go figure.

I'll make the deal sweeter. If you know anyone with a 750 Nightwawk, bring that up and I'll STILL mop the floor with you on YOUR BIKE.

You bought a cool mini-bike man. Nothing more. Don't sit there and pretend you bought a freaking Super Duke and act the end all be all because you bought a glorified CR500.

You really need to get a grip on reality...and stop making excuses for running your mouth.

I'll eat you alive. Give me a 600cc sport bike, and I'll make you look rediculous.


Ok, this is getting out of control, GD!
Its the guys B-Day and he is proud of his new toy! You Tom on the other hand is like the lil pain in the ass brat that is jelous of someone when they get something new.
Simple Solution:
Tom go buy a new GSXR 600 meet up and race, until than STFU and go back to your corner!!

Let him have his glory!!
I'll eat you alive. Give me a 600cc sport bike, and I'll make you look rediculous.


Ok, this is getting out of control, GD!
Its the guys B-Day and he is proud of his new toy! You Tom on the other hand is like the lil pain in the ass brat that is jelous of someone when they get something new.
Simple Solution:
Tom go buy a new GSXR 600 meet up and race, until than STFU and go back to your corner!!

Let him have his glory!!

Nah, man it is OK. Tom is spewing such poorly informed drivel that he is only making himself look more foolish. 750 Nighthawk? 750 Nighthawk against a full blown competition grade Supermoto? Do you know how stupid a remark that is? I mean seriously, stand back and consider your remark. Who are you, Nicky Hayden?

And as far as calling it a Mini-Bike. Again, you are making a fool of yourself. I don't even have to give you a push. Every post makes you look more childish.

CR500? I wish! There is no meaner bike to make into a Supermoto! That is Satan's Supermoto.

I do know where you are staying and if I can find someone with a Supermoto, any Supermoto, that is willing to come up there and play with you and your Max, I will send them your way.

I mean seriously, dude. It is not like I am telling you an 883 Sportster is going to win in a drag race against a Max or something. :rofl_200:

Once again,

I think at this point we all need to "agree to disagree" and call it a day for the sake of the forum.

No one is gonna win this one or change anyone elses mind so furthering this argument is pointless.

Just my opinion tho'...I'm not God or anything.

I'm just glad Mikes happy with his purchase and enthusiastic about it as well. Wish I had one.

Let's please take it down a notch, don't turn this place into a Yahoo Vmax chat list. Were all friends here, let's act like it.

I'm not taking sides on this, and don't care who's right.

I'm ending this thread with...


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