I'm thinking about this 1
I'm thinking about this 1
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I have it. Works fine.http://www.ebay.com/itm/301380878143?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649
I'm thinking about this 1
I have it. Works fine.
It depends on whether you mind having the blinking fuel warning light all the time, and how handy you are with making your own wiring harness. I don't mind the light, and soldering isn't a problem. I like it. Makes things feel very modern. The shift light is not adjustable, and is set at 10k, so you'll never get to use that, either. The tach is pretty accurate, though, and you can fine-tune the speedo like crazy. I made a mounting bracket template off the stock speedo mount, and it works fine and looks like its supposed to be there. I'll post some pics one of these days. I used rubber grommets inside the holes in my mounting bracket and some regular screws to hold it on, as the plastic nubs on the back are not threaded.
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