Thanks for the support. I had to sell my Vmax. I miss it. Especially on Sundays. About 9 to 10 AM group of sportbikes go down the toll road toward Ensenada. My condo backs up to the road. They travel about 150mph. The police don't seem to care. The only people I hear complaining are Americans that live down here. Living so close to the ocean my bike was rusting up and I didn't want to see that happen. Plus I'm still dealing with my bed-bound wife. I couldn't afford to get hurt. That was a main factor in selling it. Since her stroke it has been almost 3 years and 2 since I brought her home from the nursing home in the States. She is getting weaker, I can't expect for her to last much longer. The time will come for God to take her. She has no life. She can only move one arm. I'm here to make her last days as happy and secure as I can. I'm learning a lot about love and commitment. Keep the rubber down.