I didnt watch much beyond the video they presented. I'll try to watch the rest of it later. But here's some advice I would offer them: Work on your presentation skills and practice your presentation. If you present your evidence in a bad way, you end up discrediting your case.
They say "It's not about Obama, this is about the evidence. We let the evidence direct the case."
Then the investigator quite literally states he approached the case from the perspective of guilty until proven innocent. That alone is going to discredit you in terms of being objective and impartial. But then to add to that they then explain how the evidence for years kept leading them to the conclusion that its a legit document and yet they wouldnt accept it where the evidence was leading them. They kept at it. Again, discredits your opening statements.
Perhaps they answer the next question I have later in the video, but here it is:
"What validation was done on the Joanna Lahee birth cert to ensure it was a legitimate birth cert? You're presenting me with two birth certs that share similarities, but you're presenting under the assumption that it's Obama's cert that was copied from Lahees and not the other way around. What did you do to prove that Lahee's birth cert wasn't the forgery?"
Did they explain that at all?