Well-Known Member
Yes, no center stand is not convenient for maintenance, I like the Kerker 4/1 sound, but no centerstand is unfortunate. I have a Kerker 4/1 sitting on the shelf but don't want to make the bracket cut. The UFO 4/1 allows you to use the centerstand for maintenance but you cannot leave it in place to ride. No bracket cutting, either.
No center stand is the only reason I never went Kerker.
Running a UFO now. I bought it 2nd hand. The PO re-packed the cans which helped to eliminate the raspy sound but it is still very loud. I can put the centerstand on but I can't fit the OEM bolts in there. Just some 3/8 bolts fit. It works though.
Had a Hindle 4-1 too which was much more mellow sounding than the UFO setup. It allowed bolting on the centerstand for maintenance.