Idle problem, need help please

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Pat O

New Member
Apr 16, 2023
Reaction score
Wondering if you could try to help me out. I have a 2009 Gen 2 VMax with 2100 miles, when it reaches operating temp it will not idle, starts right back up though and accelerates fine. Cold start is fine. Once it reaches operating temp, if I unplug the temp sensor on back of the head it will idle. I changed the temp sensor and it stl does the same thing. Any suggestions on what it may be or what I should test would be very much appreciated. Thank you and have a great day.
With all of the control systems on the bike any suggestions we make will be guesses. We may strike lucky but probably not.
First step would be to get a copy of the Service Manual, the second would be to check for any error codes and the third would be to work through the diagnostic procedures.
That will be the quickest and cheapest way to find the problem.
A 14 year old bike with 2100 miles? I'd bet serious money it's fuel long does the bike sit without being ridden? That's seriously low mileage & that is never good for a motor. Gas degrades you know. I'd start running fuel treatments through it.
Thanks for the input so far, still no luck... Bike has 2100 miles, took it to the dealer, had the TPS wiring harness (and oil pump recall) done and it still will not idle once the temp gets to 1/2 way on the gauge. Installed 4 new plugs, same thing! Idles fine until temp hits 1/2 way mark, then you must hold the throttle to get it to idle. No other issues at all -- good power etc... Fuel pump is new. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Sounds like it is coolant heat related as when it gets to a certain temp the ecu is either richening or leaning the mixture. You said you changed the temp sensor so I would next check the wire from it to the ecu with an ohm meter to ensure it is within tolerance. These things are hard to chase but that is what I found on my car efi system. Same thing it was doing.

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