Your missing the point, the point is the guy who got shot more than likely initiated a physical attack on an elderly man. An average young to middle aged guy can beat an elderly person to death pretty easily and unintentionally. Don't mess with old people, they'll just kill you.
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So the ******* texter who was texting his 3 year old ( who the hell gives a 3 year old a cell phone ? Last I checked 3 year olds can barely spell their name ), is this even the truth ? Or are we just adding more ******** to the story like the media does?
I didn't read the article and like I said, I don't think I have to. Because mainly crap like this is so blown out of proportion that its silly.
So lets boil it down, texter disobeys theater policy. You paid good money to see a movie and you have someone breaking theater policy ( not your policy ) so you say something to them. They tell you to fxxx off and merrily text away. Well I don't know about you, but you can waste your money however you want. I don't want to waste my money, so I think the LEO has the same idea probably. But I don't know I wasn't there. LEO tells the guy to again obey policy of the theater. Guy tells him to fxxx off one more time. LEO says it again, gets another Fxxx off I ll do what I want when I want attitude. SO LEO goes to management. Comes back and now texter tough guy is now confronting a retired ederly LEO ( hell I don't even know if he was ederly I am guessing since he is retired he isnt a spunky 20 year old retiree ). Regardless of whether he punched, swung or was verbal, if you move in the direction of someone to have words, you have now entered a physical confrontation. If someone had to stop him from moving towards the LEO, then I would say he might have been fearing for his life. Again I don't know I wasn't there personally.
Could all of this been taken care of better. Hell yes!!! Texter man could have grown a sack and respected everyone else around him. LEO man could have tucked his sack in and moved his seat away and just been bullied one more time
LEO man could have just gone right to the management and demanded the texter to be removed and asked for a refund of his money/tickets to another viewing.
What a pain in the ass that would be. Because I figure most of us like to plan our evenings out as enjoyment, not arguing and making trouble with others just so we can watch a stupid movie on the big screen.
So bottom line, he was texting, he wasn't killing someone, but the principle of the matter is he was breaking a common courtesy policy set in place because your at a quiet movie theater. NOT a rock concert.
**** started because one ******* couldn't keep his phone away for 2 hours and another ******* took offense to it.
I could go on and on about it. But bottom line, the FIRST INSTIGATOR was texter man..... no texty no shooty.......:bang head: