theater shooting near tampa

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"According to the arrest report, Reeves told a detective that he pulled his .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol out of his pants pocket after Oulson struck him in the face with an “unknown object,” although the sheriff’s investigation didn’t turn up any such object and witnesses said they did not see any punches being thrown, the sheriff’s office reported."

Most likely popcorn. Story says that witnesses said Oulson threw his popcorn at Reeves. Seems ridiculous, until you place it in the senero. Darkened movie theater, 71 yr old ex-cop. Enraged texter. Got into a "heated" argument. The texter at very least had a physically aggresive posture. The wifes hand speaks to holding him back. Also throwing food at the cop. The cop has been trained to react. retired or not it's engrained. Felt something hit him in the face. Felt he was being "physically attacked" and pulled his weapon.

I'm tired of the right or wrong, justified or not arguements, just stating how easily it "could" have happened, based on the story. This is a real life "What would you do" like Todds thread, With a tragic ending.

See now that changes things, the old 71 year old man was attacked with something...... either way what a poor night out for everyone. Could have totally gone different if people were all "cool" with each other.

Always takes one bad apple......

So the ******* texter who was texting his 3 year old ( who the hell gives a 3 year old a cell phone ? Last I checked 3 year olds can barely spell their name ), is this even the truth ? Or are we just adding more ******** to the story like the media does?

I didn't read the article and like I said, I don't think I have to. Because mainly crap like this is so blown out of proportion that its silly.

So lets boil it down, texter disobeys theater policy. You paid good money to see a movie and you have someone breaking theater policy ( not your policy ) so you say something to them. They tell you to fxxx off and merrily text away. Well I don't know about you, but you can waste your money however you want. I don't want to waste my money, so I think the LEO has the same idea probably. But I don't know I wasn't there. LEO tells the guy to again obey policy of the theater. Guy tells him to fxxx off one more time. LEO says it again, gets another Fxxx off I ll do what I want when I want attitude. SO LEO goes to management. Comes back and now texter tough guy is now confronting a retired ederly LEO ( hell I don't even know if he was ederly I am guessing since he is retired he isnt a spunky 20 year old retiree ). Regardless of whether he punched, swung or was verbal, if you move in the direction of someone to have words, you have now entered a physical confrontation. If someone had to stop him from moving towards the LEO, then I would say he might have been fearing for his life. Again I don't know I wasn't there personally.

Could all of this been taken care of better. Hell yes!!! Texter man could have grown a sack and respected everyone else around him. LEO man could have tucked his sack in and moved his seat away and just been bullied one more time


LEO man could have just gone right to the management and demanded the texter to be removed and asked for a refund of his money/tickets to another viewing.

What a pain in the ass that would be. Because I figure most of us like to plan our evenings out as enjoyment, not arguing and making trouble with others just so we can watch a stupid movie on the big screen.

So bottom line, he was texting, he wasn't killing someone, but the principle of the matter is he was breaking a common courtesy policy set in place because your at a quiet movie theater. NOT a rock concert.

**** started because one ******* couldn't keep his phone away for 2 hours and another ******* took offense to it.

I could go on and on about it. But bottom line, the FIRST INSTIGATOR was texter man..... no texty no shooty.......:bang head:


Exactly what I was talking about........throwing popcorn is not justification for being shot, nor is being an *******., nor is "breaking a common courtesy policy". Inferring these are justifications for killing someone is sick.

IMO every person that carries has an extra burden on them, to not let a harmless incident escalate to the point where someone ends up dead. Swallow your pride and walk away......don't push a point or inflame a situation. The gun is to protect you from a life or death situation, not to be used as a last resort to some stupid argument with someone.

Some gun owners wear their courage on their hip........George Zimmerman for instance. He never would have got out of his car if he wasn't carrying. Gun makes him a tough guy. He follows some kid around for no good reason like a stalker, there is a confrontation and because he can't fight any better than my 12 year old daughter an innocent kid is dead.

I don't suspect that with this guy, he was a decorated police officer. I don't know why he reacted the way he did. He could have some mental illness that is just manifesting itself now.....he might have dementia who knows. There is another woman that has come forward and said he had scolded her about her phone use at the theater as well, and then followed her to the bathroom. Obviously the guy has some issues.
Exactly what I was talking about........throwing popcorn is not justification for being shot, nor is being an *******., nor is "breaking a common courtesy policy". Inferring these are justifications for killing someone is sick.

The point that I am wondering soon after that the texter throw the popcorn that he got shot? Did the shooter just feel it brush his face, and then he shot...and it not register to him that it was "just" popcorn?
The point that I am wondering soon after that the texter throw the popcorn that he got shot? Did the shooter just feel it brush his face, and then he shot...and it not register to him that it was "just" popcorn?

Well you can't shoot somebody for throwing something at you either.....unless maybe they throw a knife. :confused2:

The judge said as much at the hearing.
I know the number of you that have been robbed at knife point or worse gun point. I . Know how many of you have had a violent criminal attack you.

When you have become a victim,come back and talk to me (us) about what you think is justified.

I wasn't at this theater. So I am not going to take any sides.

I won't dance this subject because of its obvious touchy matter.

But its obvious where some of you stand and I hope and pray that the day never comes where any of you are put in a terrible situation of such as this.

We can all only speculate that the texter was mentally incapable and it will show up, or if a the LEO was justified in his thought of self defense.

In my eyes they could both be wrong. And we can all sit back and point fingers and say they should have done this or that. But until your in a situation like this, let me tell personally that even with training, you don't think clearly.

Exactly what I was talking about........throwing popcorn is not justification for being shot, nor is being an *******., nor is "breaking a common courtesy policy". Inferring these are justifications for killing someone is sick.

IMO every person that carries has an extra burden on them, to not let a harmless incident escalate to the point where someone ends up dead. Swallow your pride and walk away......don't push a point or inflame a situation. The gun is to protect you from a life or death situation, not to be used as a last resort to some stupid argument with someone.

Some gun owners wear their courage on their hip........George Zimmerman for instance. He never would have got out of his car if he wasn't carrying. Gun makes him a tough guy. He follows some kid around for no good reason like a stalker, there is a confrontation and because he can't fight any better than my 12 year old daughter an innocent kid is dead.

I don't suspect that with this guy, he was a decorated police officer. I don't know why he reacted the way he did. He could have some mental illness that is just manifesting itself now.....he might have dementia who knows. There is another woman that has come forward and said he had scolded her about her phone use at the theater as well, and then followed her to the bathroom. Obviously the guy has some issues.

I'll give it one more try. He didn't get killed because he was texting, he didn't get killed because he was argueing, He didn't get killed for throwing popcorn, he didn't get killed for being an *******. He got killed because he became physically aggressive towards the 71 year old ex cop, Hit him in the face "with an Unknown object" in the dark theater. and the ex cop reacted to the percieved threat. (according to the story)

Why are you turning the ex-cop into barney fife. mental illness, dementia, really!!!
The way you were going I thought he escaped from the psych ward and would be drooling, and wearing depends.There's no facts to support any of it. The only fact is that he held a woman accountable for using her cell, when she was in the theater. Its truly amazing how two people can look at the exact same situation and have such completely different takes.
Its truly amazing how two people can look at the exact same situation and have such completely different takes.

I'll agree to that!

And I'll also agree with the judge who made a completely obvious statement (to most people) that you can't shoot someone for throwing something at you! Having a bag of popcorn thrown in your direction can not be perceived as a threat on your life by anyone other than a crazy person. Lets get real.
Would you be defending this shooter if he had jumped on the guy who threw the popcorn and stabbed him to death?

Or are you just defending him because he used a gun and your knee jerk reaction is to defend every person carrying a gun?
Let me clear....I am not anti-gun at all. I grew up around guns. My brother is a LEO and firearms instructor.

I'm anti-dead people.

Especially when the outcome could have been easily avoided.

Believe me I'd feel real comfortable knowing there were retired cops carrying every place I go.

Not that guy though.
Let me clear....I am not anti-gun at all. I grew up around guns. My brother is a LEO and firearms instructor.
I'm anti-dead people.
Especially when the outcome could have been easily avoided.
Believe me I'd feel real comfortable knowing there were retired cops carrying every place I go. Not that guy though.
In my eyes they could both be wrong. And we can all sit back and point fingers and say they should have done this or that. But until your in a situation like this, let me tell you personally that even with training, you don't think clearly.

Todd hit the nail on the head. A case of a knee-jerk reaction, a sudden burst of adrenaline, a response to the "fight or flight" syndrome.
But also look at the situation. This was not a home invasion, a mugging, or an immediate threat to life.
This was two obviously stubborn, "Alpha male" types, locking horns over a relatively insignificant situation, one easily resolved if one or the other had backed off and given in ( put the phone away, or moved to another seat in the near-empty theater)
And both were breaking theater rules. No cell phones were allowed, and no firearms were permitted. I'm not anti-gun, but in this case, if a gun was not present, the guy would not have been killed. Sure, one or the other may have left the theater with a fat lip or missing teeth, but that young girl would still have a father. Just my opinion.
I think I'm sick. He!!, I know I'm sick. Prolly the reason I seldom, if ever, pack heat, or go to movie theaters, or the mall, or.............cause reading totally between the lines of this case, and with the limited data available, yes - I side with the ex LEO.
I don't know where to go with this other than it's just a sad and tragic situation for everybody involved. Sometimes **** goes so far off the rail, so quickly that it's difficult, if not impossible, to determine what the hell just happened....I think maybe nobody's right at all. Why would you shoot someone cause they threw popcorn in your face?....Why would you throw popcorn at somebody in this day & age when you can get killed for failing to dim your lights ?

Why would either one of these guys let this situation escalate to the point that it did?

It's just one of those deals where the die is cast, the players selected and there's no stopping it until it's done....very often with tragic consequences such as this.
I'll agree to that!

And I'll also agree with the judge who made a completely obvious statement (to most people) that you can't shoot someone for throwing something at you! Having a bag of popcorn thrown in your direction can not be perceived as a threat on your life by anyone other than a crazy person. Lets get real.

This is where I say, he didn't get killed because he threw something. He got killed because he became physically aggressive towards the 71 year ex old cop. The ex cop was hit in the face with an "unknown object" and reacted to the perceived threat. The "unknown object" could have been easily been the guys fist, possible weapon, based on the guys aggressive actions at the time, based on the story.

Now you say, You can't kill someone for throwing popcorn. He's crazy :bang head:

In order to believe the judges statement about throwing something, In this case, you would have to believe the ex-cop was completely aware that the guy threw the popcorn, and then shot him "because" he threw the popcorn. Is that what you believe?
On a side note, I don't think the judge really thought his statement through. There are a whole lot of things I could throw at a cop, or armed citizen that would get me shot. I believe that would be referred to as "neutralizing the threat"

Miles and danny's posts are excellent on this about how the whole situation was a completely avoidable tragedy, and I agree completely. The rest of the post are perceptions, and opinions based on Idealogy, and life experience. None of us were there, nobody wins.
I dont feel you should pull a gun just because something hits you in the face at a public place. Im not saying you shouldent pull a gun at all if something hits you but if innocent people are in the area you need to be as safe with your gun as possible or you could wound or even kill a innocent person. people with guns have a point of no return and when you reach that point you better make sure its justifiable by law and i dont mean your law. The way i look at it is yes i want to live to see anther day but i dont want to spend that day in prison.

What do you think about this.
Here's my take on this-As a responsible adult, I have carried a gun almost 24/7 for about the past 20 yrs. In my experience, it has made me MUCH more tolerant of stupidity, because it's a huge responsibility, and can't be taken lightly. I have walked away from confrontations, or better yet avoided them altogether whenever possible just BECAUSE I'm carrying. Remember this is a veteran LEO who probably spent most of his career trying to avoid being killed by aggressive idiots, and he may have just reverted to his training in that moment. None of us was there, so we can speculate all we want but will never really know what happened. I just pray that I'm never put in a similar situation, as I've never yet felt the need to unholster my weapon and Lord willing, never will.
I feel its easier to stay calm when i am carrying. Thanks Samuel.
here's my take on this-as a responsible adult, i have carried a gun almost 24/7 for about the past 20 yrs. In my experience, it has made me much more tolerant of stupidity, because it's a huge responsibility, and can't be taken lightly. I have walked away from confrontations, or better yet avoided them altogether whenever possible just because i'm carrying. .

I read all the posts about this and I am amazed. I guess I was able to read it all because I'm waiting for the playoffs to start. I have been in a theater and became aware someone near me was texting. But I was interested in watching the movie I paid for, not to **** with someone for using their phone. No one though had any thought about disrupting the enjoyment of all the other people at the movie. It's always about me and I isn't it.
I read all the posts about this and I am amazed. I guess I was able to read it all because I'm waiting for the playoffs to start. I have been in a theater and became aware someone near me was texting. But I was interested in watching the movie I paid for, not to **** with someone for using their phone. No one though had any thought about disrupting the enjoyment of all the other people at the movie. It's always about me and I isn't it.

No me or I Dave. The rules in the theater are for all the people in the theater. The theater management has the shutting off the phone rule so there won't be "any thought about disrupting the enjoyment of ALL the other people at the movie". Sorry the guy in the theater distracted you at your movie. The "It's always about me and I"
Description fits perfectly on the texter.

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