three percent the truth

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Here in Denver CO. the liberal democrat influx from California opposition to my President Donald Trump is conspicuous with our open door sanctuary city policies for illegal aliens, further highlighted with a permanent banner at the city and county building stating "WE LOVE OUR IMMIGRANTS". We need to wake up! The illegal's here are gaining stronger by the day foot hold's in the building, manufacturing and hospitality trade's, also white collar administrative position's while known to be undocumented, as in a county board of education post to represent the children of more illegal's and other such position's praised by our local media. These illegal's will soon have a strong enough political influence to make them a majority, when they do, as illegal's, they will vote out each one of these liberal, P.C., tolerance preaching, white guilt harboring, democrat idiot's that have helped them along with driver's licence's for the undocumented and vote in their own. Our new Boulder born, gay governor has singed into law a bill that will give the retirement aged illegal's, flipping burger's at McDonald's fifteen buck's an hour to do what was an entry level position intended to teach teenager's work place discipline and responsibility, not meant to be a living wage career that you retire from. I venture to say, with the illegal's work ethic, they would not align with the liberal democrap. More discussion from our newly democrat controlled city government is to "give" the growing homeless camp's, electricity, sanitation and to streamline their access to social service program resources, the same resources that low income working family's are denied in favor of these homeless leaches. Never mind the fact that directly across from the camp's are help wanted/will train, $15Hr sign's.
Isn't this the same democratic thinking that has ruined if not killed the economy's of damn near all of California, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee etc. Look-out Texan's! There's a liberal laden Prius headed your way...
With all of the democrat presidential candidate's raising their hand's in favor of free health care for illegal's and "Smokin" Joe Biden's willingness to "sacrifice hundred's of thousand's of oil and gas job's in favor of the green new "deal"proposal's, no, my President Donald J. Trump is not perfect,far from it,
but lookin better all the time!!!
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Keyboard tough guy... yep that's me all right...lmao... 22 years as a professonal bodyguard including Mel Gibson for one week when he was in Maine promoting his movie The Man Without a Face.. Been shot once and stabbed three times... not to mention 14 years in martial arts training in a real class, not some pretend balarinas. I'm the one who walked away.

Get this straight snowflakes... I call it the way I see it and if anybody doesn't like it I don't care. I'm sick of you whiny vagina wearing pansies tearing our country apart with your 'Tolerance ********'....

If you're ever in TN, go by the Knoxville or Cookeville Yamaha Shop and tell them you want to get a message to 'GuruedVMax'... they know how to get in touch with me.... and we can further discuss my 'keyboard warrior' capabilities however it will NOT be a very long conversation. I'm sick of you Libs. You want to be able to tell everyone how to live their lives. Sorry, you don't get to make that call and 120 Million PLUS AMERICAN gun owners agree with me.... So iron your vagina suits and bring it...

And if calling it the way I see it and risk hurting your delicate little feelings gets me banned, so be it....

Ba ha ha....OK Chuck Norris. How many times in one thread do we have to hear your BS tough guy qualifications. LOL

I've known a few REAL tough guys in my life and none of them ever felt it necessary to recite their resume. You have exposed yourself, and you better cover up because it's embarrassing.

You my friend have LDS (little dick syndrome). :)
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Hi all US Mates must do a final reply as seen the IMPOTUS (new nickname all over world even in North Korea) made a lot of totally horrible tweets last 24 Hours....what the hell is up in his head ?
He must be totally out of order in pchycological matters ! Send him to a hospital directly and tie him to bed !
Trumph has the button to the ATOMIC BOMB !
SORRY VMAXGuru.... and other Trumph friends; this is not internal US Matter and all about the GDP values.... this is a totally crazy Man !
Change him directly to US reserve Potus.... for YOUR best and all of the world!
Happy New Year
You are an such an idiot... I'm amazed you can cross a street unsupervised, IF you can. We are in a RECORD ECONOMY.... Helen Keller could see that, but you dumb ass libs won't... All you do is whine snivel and cry because the sky is blue with the sun is shining.... and YOU DEMOCRATS didn't have one damn thing to do with it.... So you just keep walking around with your head up your ass and we'll just keep laughing at you all the way to the bank....
Me and You take a course in English 2020 ? Your worser than IMPOTUS !
Happy new Year
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