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VMAX  Forum

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Staff member
Oct 19, 2018
Reaction score
Hello everyone! As some of you know the forum was acquired by Group Builder and I am here to help get the software updated and all the technical needs you all have get sorted.

Please use this thread to let me know of any questions you have about the new Xenforo software.

1. Some members may have to clear their cookies on their computers before the log in will be recognized by the new software.

2. Upper right hand corner has the Login and Sign up links. Also, there are 3 icons. The man is the User Control Panel, the envelope is conversations (use to be called Private Messages) and the bell is where you will see alerts for new posts on threads that you watch and new "conversations".

3. Using UPLOAD A FILE, is the easy way to upload an image directly from your computer or smartphone. Also copy from somewhere and directly pasting into the message box works.
Yes! The forum is now owned by Group Builder but Buster Hymen will be back online soon and can possibly tell more. I'm part of the new support team. The plan is to keep on going much as you were before, but maybe a few s/w improvements etc.
Is the new forum on the tapatalk app? I cannot find it.
It is not on Tapatalk at this time. Do you have a mobile browser on your phone? Try that and type in the web address. It will be much better than Tapatalk. It's full functioning. If too narrow in portrait, it looks amazing in landscape mode.
Good to know you found it. And all regular controls are now available instead of just some of them via an app.
Is "Conversations" the same as 'private messages (PM),' only able to be seen by the person writing it, and the person receiving it? I hope so. I used PM to do business deals, and I don't want my personal behavior able to be seen by all, just the person to-whom I address it.
Is "Conversations" the same as 'private messages (PM),' only able to be seen by the person writing it, and the person receiving it? I hope so. I used PM to do business deals, and I don't want my personal behavior able to be seen by all, just the person to-whom I address it.

Yes. A conversation is a Private Message. And only the people listed in that conversation can see it.
If you mark the forums read (top of page) you will then see the ones not read in a different color. The blow screen capture shows where I had set all forums read a few days ago and then you can see those top one are ones with new posts since I last read them.

There used to be a VMF Links page which had the 1st Gen service manual available there. Was a similar page moved over to the new forum?


The Links page is not something I am aware of. Can you tell me where it was located on the forum page? There may be a possibility of getting them.
The Links page is not something I am aware of. Can you tell me where it was located on the forum page? There may be a possibility of getting them.

There was a clickable link at the top. Here's a post that mentions it:
If you are on the desktop version of the site, there is a bar @ the top of the page. One is labeled VMF LINKS.

Click on that and you will find links to all kinds of Vmax stuff.

One is to the Haynes manual
One is to the OEM manual.

I do have the service mnaual in pdf format in case you need it. It used to be available on this forum and also but the latter is shutdown.


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Thank you. I'll be looking into it.
why am I receiving emails about current discussions on the vmax forums? This never happened before and I can't seem to find where to turn it in my preferences.
thanks in advance, bill
It is part of the new Vmax. Just go to the bottom of one of those emails and use the UNSUBSCRIBE HERE. That will stop the emails. There is no settings in the preferences that will effect it.

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