top speed of your vmax?

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I have a stock 04....and the most I have dared is 120...but I am a puss. Thought my gun might blow out of my holster don't you know...
Once lost a pair of RayBan Shooters taken-off my head when i turned to see who was behind me on the interstate passing the Ft Lauderdale Int'l Airport. The airstream hit them and removed them as smoothly as a Colombian street thief removing a high-end wristwatch from an unsuspecting tourist, gone before you realize what happened.
Once lost a pair of RayBan Shooters taken-off my head when i turned to see who was behind me on the interstate passing the Ft Lauderdale Int'l Airport. The airstream hit them and removed them as smoothly as a Colombian street thief removing a high-end wristwatch from an unsuspecting tourist, gone before you realize what happened.

Rode her up to Julian and then Sunrise highway yesterday here in San Diego county. She is jetted for sea level to about 2000ft from what I can gather. Kinda unresponsive, idle was crappy when I stopped around 3k and she started lugging above 2K in elevation.

Coming down from the elevation she really woke up on the 8 heading home, amazing what a change in elevation does. I easlily hit some illegal speeds that could've put me in jail (In CA 100 mph is automatic / mandatory jail now, the laws changed in Jan) briefly as there were way too many California Highway Patrol. I saw 5 units between Sunrise Hwy and Lake Jennings in only about 20 miles of highway yesterday.

She was pulling much better into the triple digits with the new clutch in her, with zero slippage :) I think I blew it out good enough to where she runs like she's supposed too now and did not land in jail doing it ;)

My bike is pretty stock and she has gotten my 235lb butt into the 148mph danger zone with no problem in the past out on some unspecified desert highways.
Friend took mine out and said he hit 150mph. He asked me how fast I have drivin it and when I told him 110 he just laughed. I'm not much for top speeds
Topped 150-160 mph, didn't exactly look down at the speedo so going off of tach and gear to estimate, a couple of times at Thunder. Gotta love playing catch up with a group!!!!:punk:
Stock motor, venture drive, I've seen ~145 indicated given enough room. It's fairly strong up to 120 or so, past 130 it's creepin up. I max out around 8800-9k rpm...motor isnt strong enough to spin the Venture gears to redline.

Speed on the vmax is governed more by the chassis than motor anyway. Pushing it past 120 or so takes some balls. I've gotten so used to the little wiggles and wobbles and how to prevent them going fast isn't as harrowing as it used to be.
I've seen about 120 on my 95 but at 115, it begins to weev slightly....causes my nads to skrink :rofl_200:. Trying to figure out/reolve the weeving before I attempt tp go any faster...rear tire..neck bearings?
I've seen about 120 on my 95 but at 115, it begins to weev slightly....causes my nads to skrink :rofl_200:. Trying to figure out/reolve the weeving before I attempt tp go any faster...rear tire..neck bearings?

You are on the right track, your neck bearings are likely seizing. Unfortunately, those among us who have a size 14 neck are more-likely to have neck bearing seizures due to the lack of robust material to bear the weight of the ponderous VMax bulk in its performance mode, and especially, any time V-Boost initiates a takeoff sequence. Why is this? Compared to ordinary bikes,

this is what V-Boost feels like:


"Skrinking" of 'nads can be successfully permanently counteracted by riding a Suzuki GS500 instead of the VMax.
Head bearings are a leading cause of nad shrinkage, 9 out of 10 experts agree.

Though it's also been discussed how, well, poorly the Vmax's frames were made. Not only are they not stiff enough for the power and weight, but they're often not even straight, or have tweaked over the years from all the power. People that have had their bikes laser aligned (compu-trak) often find huge problems on bone stock bikes and report a big improvement once the frame is straightened.

I've done everything....head bearings, lowering, Progressive springs, and I still sometimes get wobble, though it's been banished mostly to the 130+ range and isn't really bad enough to make you **** yourself, it's just a slight wiggle that goes away once you back off a bit. Do I wish it didn't do it at all? Absolutely. But it's really not that big of a problem. I've ridden brand new bikes *coughXR1200cough* that make the Vmax feel like a sportbike on race tires. A lot of the big cruisers, Harleys and Victorys, just weren't intended to do much more than about 80, their frames were shaped for style, not strength.
You are on the right track, your neck bearings are likely seizing. Unfortunately, those among us who have a size 14 neck are more-likely to have neck bearing seizures due to the lack of robust material to bear the weight of the ponderous VMax bulk in its performance mode, and especially, any time V-Boost initiates a takeoff sequence. Why is this? Compared to ordinary bikes,

this is what V-Boost feels like:


"Skrinking" of 'nads can be successfully permanently counteracted by riding a Suzuki GS500 instead of the VMax.
You guys crack me up...where's the comedian....Captainkyle :clapping: Yep, I'm going to adjust the bearings...fourth time...and try to find the nads LOL
You guys crack me up...where's the comedian....Captainkyle :clapping: Yep, I'm going to adjust the bearings...fourth time...and try to find the nads LOL
LOL ! Never claimed to be a comedian but if you find your wifes purse you will know what youe nads look like. My GF must have a set hidden some where because she rides her own Max.
LOL ! Never claimed to be a comedian but if you find your wifes purse you will know what youe nads look like. My GF must have a set hidden some where because she rides her own Max.

lol...knew you would get in there:clapping:I'm still wife Owns mine
The "140ish" is I think about anyone ever that speed it's tough to get a good look at the speedo, any more than a quick glance to see the needle is somewhere in that area.

Wonder if anyone has ever pegged the Vmax speedometer at 160? I imagine with big enough nuts, a Venture drive or overdrive, and some extra HP it'd be possible.
Honestly guys I don't see the big deal in being mad about a wobble at >120mph speeds. Maybe because I'm new to the Vmax and haven't really pushed it (and become addicted to the speed), but I really don't see the rationale for >100 mph.

I've seen people state they want to get ride of their max because it wobbles at >120 mph??!! Really??!! Do that with any other cruiser and see what happens...heck my sportster couldn't even get that high to wobble! NOBODY needs to be doing >100 mph on a consistent basis on ANY bike!
I have had mine around 175 to 177 on top end with no nos, I was racing a zx9 that had a head start and when i passed him he said he was at 170mph when i passed him. My speedo was buried. My bike will do 120 from dead stop in the 1/8 mile on nos. If you want to get rid of the head shake have Jon Gainey put his pro series stering head on it, its full chromolly that lowers stering head 2" and works great.
"NOBODY needs to be doing >100 mph on a consistent basis on ANY bike!"

Oh oh!

I suppose it depends on your definition of 'consistent.'

Is 'iatrosb' on the right forum?

"Don't join a firearms website and complain about the smell of cordite...," does that sound like something Mr. Ayoob would have said?