UFO 4/1 Dragstar: Shhhh!

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
I have been running a UFO 4/1 Dragstar:
  • first, w/the bologna-cut 'shorty' tip-really, really LOUD!
  • second, w/the UFO megaphone, really-loud but a step-down from the above
  • third, a Frankencanister from a literbike sportbike, greatly-reduced from either No. 1 or No. 2
  • and now, another alternative to the No. 3, also a literbike Frankencanister, but from a different donor
The stock UFO 4/1 is an invite to get a ticket if you ride it hard. The UFO megaphone is still too-loud to ride w/o earplugs. No's. 3 & 4 (the Frankencanisters) allow you to stretch the throttle cable w/o alerting every LEO donut-muncher riding w/his window down, within a three-block radius that you're winding-out.
The sound is pleasant w/o being annoying in its volume. If you have a UFO 4/1 and you are getting worn-out by the sound, this is an alternative. A true slip-onto the UFO 4/1 mid-pipe & w/a mounting bracket to the rear footpeg carrier.

Save your hearing! I didn't have to alter the jetting from how it was set-up w/the UFO 4/1 bologna-cut once I had the shop do it, when I added the Frankencanisters in-place of the bologna-cut tip.

My bike has a full Dynojet Stage 7 carb kit.

IMG_1398.jpgIMG_1419.jpgcylinder fins right.jpgRt. Frankencanister.02.jpg
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I like mine just as it came! It's no louder than my '86 GSXR 1100 was with the short Yoshimura race can. I was a little apprehensive when I first hit the streets with it, but it seems the local Police (Austin, TX and surrounding area) are unconcerned. I even blew through a pack of about 15 Highway Patrol vehicles one afternoon and they didn't even look up.
Also, about a month in, the packing started to get seasoned and it mellowed a good deal.
When I rode it by Boxenstopp's last Bike Week, and took it for a spin up the street, a bunch of H-D riders came-out of the next-block bar/restaurant to see 'what was making all-that racket?' That was w/the stock bologna-cut tip. Later a female riding passenger on her boyfriend's TC-88 H-D dresser told him, "that bike is too-loud!" when I was stopped next to them in heavy traffic going to dinner.

And finally, Marcus wouldn't ride next to me w/his big-bore VMax because of the noise.
They are rude loud for sure. BUT, the fraken cans are too long and not anything I like the looks of. BUT, we have used very similar mufflers and they look much better and still sound good when cut down in length.
They are rude loud for sure. BUT, the fraken cans are too long and not anything I like the looks of. BUT, we have used very similar mufflers and they look much better and still sound good when cut down in length.

+1 if I were to try the dragstar I'd get a speakeasy and try it that way but I still love my Kerker. Love the look of your mufflers Sean but the outlet seems huge and kinda detracts from the look a bit but I imagine that's what makes them sound nice.

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The UFO Slash cuts are Rudely loud, I do like the sound but just couldn't see running anything quite that loud myself.
And they look a lot better than that Extra Long can you are currently using IMO.
As Sean said above I bet you could cut that can down so it looks better and still be Much more quiet than the UFO's.
Here's a similar setup with cut down Kerker (notice how similar they look for diameter and design).


  • Kerker Carbon Mounted.jpg
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  • Kerker Can Comparison.jpg
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Oohhh, I knew someone was gonna hammer me on the length of the can. For now, I am gonna keep it like it is. I also have a Kerker megaphone for my FZR1000 I haven't gotten-around to mounting, maybe one day, when I'm bored.

What I wanted was the performance of a UFO 4/1 and a much-quieter sound level. Looks-aside, the re-purposed sportbike mufflers are OK w/me for-now. I can live w/the elongated shape better than I can live w/the noise of the UFO components.

I also have a D&D canister that was on a friend's 1000 Ninja, an old one, not the new one. That might be a good one to try, sometime. For doing this on the cheap, I am happy w/how things turned-out, and there still are plenty of other ones to try. The two that I have modded to-date, it doesn't look like there is an easy way to shorten them and then to get them re-assembled.

I do recall seeing your canisters, Sean, but my wife thinks I spend too-much on my bikes as it is. Your items look well-engineered, and you offer a lot of service, so maybe one day if I save my sheckels... . Thanks for showing us the alternatives. I think I've seen that Kerker comparison on your website.

Actually, next I'm gonna try a Snuff-R-Not! :rofl_200:More in-keeping w/my 'cheapskate' budget!

I also have a D&D canister that was on a friend's 1000 Ninja, an old one, not the new one. That might be a good one to try, sometime.

The D&D can is not gonna be quiet... You could probably get away with knocking 6" off your current can and still be half as loud as original, though.
I know what the D&D canister sound ouput is, because I was behind him when he blew-off the end-cap on his ZX-1000 while we were riding-around Ft. Lauderdale during Spring Break, before they ended it. 630,000 college students gotta let-off some-steam!:biglaugh:

First, the end cap departed for 'parts-unknown,' and then the entire canister took-leave of the mid-pipe. I stopped & picked it up before it got squished. His bike sounded like what it was-a straight-pipe Superbike Mike Keyte built racing motor on VP-fuel. I ordered another D&D and mounted it for him, and a bit later he sold it, but he asked me to ride it to the shop which bought it, when they heard it was for-sale. This was what happened on the trip to the shop:

I was on a city street. There was a young gal in a Golf/Rabbit next to me to the right when I took-off, and all I did was run it up in 1st and shortshifted in 2nd. She pulled up to me at the next light and said, "isn't that too-loud for the street?" :rofl_200: Yeah, D&D's are loud.

The D&D can is not gonna be quiet... You could probably get away with knocking 6" off your current can and still be half as loud as original, though.

I don't see an easy way to get it back-together neatly though.
I have a megaphone muffler on my UFO 4-1. Even with the sbd end cap, its still loud. I'm wondering why I couldn't buy some expanded metal and build my own core that has a smaller diameter than stock. This should allow more packing material and maybe quiet it down.

Maybe something I can look into over winter.
I have a megaphone muffler on my UFO 4-1. Even with the sbd end cap, its still loud. I'm wondering why I couldn't buy some expanded metal and build my own core that has a smaller diameter than stock. This should allow more packing material and maybe quiet it down.

Maybe something I can look into over winter.

I have been doing some research on this because a UFO 4-1 Dragstar exhaust is one of the systems I am considering. Supertrapp sales cores for their Megaphone mufflers. Do you think a UFO Megaphone can be turned into a Supertrapp Megaphone? Shape and size are very similar.
If the look isn't a problem then run the length for sound reduction. As long as it's a larger core it will not impede flow or cause a HP loss. The larger OD will give it a deeper tone too.
I am looking for a little assistance in regards to the UFO Megaphone:

I need the diameter of the exhaust outlet. I know the core and baffle is 2 1/2in. I am looking for the diameter of the canister with with baffle and core removed.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a similar setup with cut down Kerker (notice how similar they look for diameter and design).

Sean, that cut down carbon Kerker can looks awesome. Will that fit on a UFO 4-1?
My slash cut muffler rattles my brain.
I am looking for a little assistance in regards to the UFO Megaphone:

I need the diameter of the exhaust outlet. I know the core and baffle is 2 1/2in. I am looking for the diameter of the canister with with baffle and core removed.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I measured the mid pipe just before it enters the muffler.
Mid pipe OD=2.4885"
I have a spare end cap so I measured the OD OF IT.
End cap OD= 3.8750"

So muffler inlet ID would be about 2.5" and muffler outlet ID about 3.9"
I measured the mid pipe just before it enters the muffler.
Mid pipe OD=2.4885"
I have a spare end cap so I measured the OD OF IT.
End cap OD= 3.8750"

So muffler inlet ID would be about 2.5" and muffler outlet ID about 3.9"

Thank you so much. I am working on some baffle ideas for the megaphone.
So here is the plan:

I am going to turn this Megaphone into a Supertrapp muffler. I pulled the core out of my Supertrapp 2-1 Megaphone and it fits like it was made for the Megaphone.

Now this core is part number 400-8208 and the best deal I found was at
Motorcycle, ATV, UTV, Snowmobile, Jetski Parts Accessories & Apparel

$86 + shipping. Ignore the picture on their website. The core looks like the picture I attached.

The Supertrapp core is 2" rather then 2.5" and once you have it installed, you can do many different things. As you can see, the Supertrapp Core will slide into the Megaphone about 2 inches. I would think you could mount it at that position, bolt on an opened end cap on the Core as well as on the end of the Megaphone and I bet it would make a huge difference.

However, I plan on cutting the excess off of the Megaphone so I will completely convert the Megaphone into a Supertrapp. That will allow me to adjust tone and powerband by adding or removing plates and end caps.2013-11-19_16-17-58_450.jpg2013-11-19_16-17-15_78.jpg2013-11-19_16-17-04_852.jpg2013-11-19_16-16-07_504.jpg2013-11-19_16-15-56_300.jpg2013-11-19_16-15-47_33.jpg2013-11-19_16-15-30_226.jpg2013-11-19_16-15-24_310.jpg2013-11-19_16-15-18_568.jpg
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