Va gun confiscation coming?

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VA Gun Confiscation? Citizens, Sheriff Protest Federal Edict

Nobody showed up to take his guns - but they might have.

Posted August 11, 2015 in Legal Issues by Russ Chastain with 74 Comments
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Local citizens and Sheriff gathered at vet's house to protest gun ban

Recently, declarations that “Gun Confiscation for Veterans Begins” have swept across the Web.
The one story that has dominated coverage is that of U.S. Navy veteran John Arnold of Priest River, Idaho.
Recently, the Veterans Administration send Arnold a letter reportedly “warning him that he cannot possess or purchase firearms.” There is little or nothing to base this prohibition on, according to those who know the veteran.
It has been reported that after Arnold had a stroke, an improperly-checked box on the related VA paperwork led the VA to report Arnold as incompetent to the NCIS, which placed Arnold on a list of persons who may not own guns.
Last week, opponents of the edict gathered at Mr. Arnold’s house to protest it. A crowd of roughly one hundred local residents, including Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler, took a stand in defiance of the unjust Federal order.
Sheriff Wheeler was on the scene to prevent any Federal action against Mr. Arnold, which apparently wasn’t imminent. Wheeler was quoted as saying, “I took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and uphold the laws of Idaho. This seemed appropriate to show my support. I was going to make sure Mr. Arnold’s rights weren’t going to be breached.”
The VA never did show up to take anything from him–that we know of. But perhaps they would have, without the show of support and ensuing news coverage.
During the protest, an appearance was made by a field officer with Bonner County Veteran Services. He reportedly “announced to the crowd that the VA inspector would not be coming to Arnold’s house that day. [He] also said Arnold may appeal the paperwork stating he was incompetent to handle his funds.
“Arnold said he would work with that officer to get things straightened out.”
I just hope everything calms down and I can live in ease in my life instead of worrying about everything and the worry shouldn’t be there.
What a world we live in, huh? Where a man who puts his life on the line in the service of his government becomes so threatened by that same government.
Did he check the box himself? Cause it's his own fault then.

Sounds to me like a lot of paranoid people getting excited over nothing.
Stories like this will become more common with the clowns we now have in power...not even the politicians but the ******** in civic power , the county and state clerks who weren't elected but appointed...:damn angry:

Kill all lawyers...:flamethrower:

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