Sean would probably be the first to tell you to make sure you have the problem you think you have and not something easier and cheaper to fix. This su ject has been discussed here many times before. Questions came up like, why pull a motor and split cases just to fix second when a little more performance could be bought at the same time. Is a high mileage bike worth the expense? Is $1,500- 1,800 bucks worth it to the bike owner? Part it out or sell it as aparts
bike, which option is best for you? If he is in love with the bike, like Coprunner, price I no object. If he is mechanically gifted and has time and space, parting it might get the most bang for the buck. If one has no skills,time or space, parts
bike sale is best. Truth is, we can't tell him what is best route to go, we are
just spelling out he options.