Active Member
Interesting use of semantics. When is a article not a article? When it is an event article. You did omit at least two that I can think of. But it is not about me. I met all my obligations as to submitting articles for the Vboost as Regional Director. On a volunteer basis. Even cost me money out of my pocket which I was glad to do. But Steve as you are the only paid professional in the VMOA, I have found, in my dealings with you, that you are less than professional. Which is even evident with your unwarranted reply trying to turn it into an attack on me. Once again Steve, it is not about me.
The contact information that is contained in the Vboost is for members only. Yet when the first Winter electronic Vboost was published you wasted no time and without any authorization from the VMOA to post it on your Facebook. I don't post my personal address and phone numbers on my Facebook. Very unprofessional of you in the least. I can only assume that when you are promoting yourself , no one else matters.
I have heard on more than one occasion that someone has sent a article to you for the Vboost. And never heard back from you or seen it in print. You can get defensive thinking that I'm blaming you of some dastardly deed however your conscientious dictates. But stuff does get lost in cyberspace. A simple remedy would be that articles be sent a few other people along with you and hopefully nothing falls through the cracks. Although you may want total control I personally do not believe that is good for the VMOA. It seems that is always a problem area for you.
I could go on but I really don't want to bore too many people here. I have been very much involved from my Director's position for long enough and since I don't smoke pot I remember stuff. I have always felt uncomfortable with the amount of members, the founders of the VMOA, being labeled as malcontents. So I have reached out to all the so=called malcontents, by phone or email, to find answers. Somehow in all the discussions I have had about what is wrong with the present VMOA your name always comes up. As long as I'm a member I will voice my opinion.
David Tavares #3505
Now Dave was that nice calling someone a POT HEAD :clapping: I am so happy that I dont belong to this mess anymore :eusa_dance: Was a member , was a director , still have the bump from :bang head: Trying to get things done , You guys need to stop the Vboost save the money for something else , You can't keep trying to repost up the same old sh-t the bike is old and there is a new gun in town called the Gen2 . Dont see many owners of them in the VMOA :ummm: That's cause there all on the FREE STAR SITE !!!!!!
Mark R