Replace my slave cyl. and installed a new braided clutch line, will have to bleed the system tonite, almost a little scare, a bolt cross threaded on the slave mounting but was able to just chase the threads.
Replace my slave cyl. and installed a new braided clutch line, will have to bleed the system tonite, almost a little scare, a bolt cross threaded on the slave mounting but was able to just chase the threads.
I tried out the lemon juice boil as it doesn't hurt all the o-rings. You can use an aluminum turkey pan and simmer it for 15 minutes. Basically just a mild acid bath. However, stale gas and lemon does not a pleasant smell make...and that's my "my bike-runs-great cleaning up afterward" towel!
Nice, I've got a ton of intakes we could weld up bung locations in. Then you can sell them on an exchange.
Installed voltage meter in the blank dummy light spot. I still have to wire.