Well-Known Member
Changed plunge and took it for a ride, now sounds and feels like the clutch is slipping
Added my new 4 to 1 exhaust so just one more mod and im done for now.....
That is a great looking bike!!!
A good job on integrating it into the faux tank gauge area, but isn't it inconvenient to look-down? Why didn't you install it on-top of the handlebar mount, so you can easily see it underway? I guess if you were going to use a shift light up-there, you could shift by light alone.
Installed my Trail Tech Vector, it works great !!
I reused most of the dash lights and wiring for the Fuel/Oil/Neutral/High beam lights, the speedo has it's own cable down to a magnet on the front disc, the thermometer that came as part of an in-line unit that is spliced into a coolant hose had the same thread and depth as the Vmax thermometer (easy swap), the tach was all over the place when I first wired it but then I put in a 10K ohm resistor which sorted it out
Next job is to tidy up the surround a bit and make it look like it was meant to fit a Vmax
awesome I really like it, nice mod
Didn't do anything to the Vmax today. But I did score a frame and a springer front end, for this winter's project.unk: