What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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He's still very well an expert he just built a 1500 for my brother. It was originally built by john from pcm but damon took it apart and beefed it up and put the vgas carbs on it. He also did all the cosmetic work on the outside of the motor.
Glad to hear that all is well with him. :)
Visibility is much better, I am a big guy so I have trouble seeing past my shoulders and the bar end mirrors work great.
I have found the Jokers to be well made and very clear.
Not today, but on Sunday, I went over the 2000 mile point on the new-to-me '86, purchased last February 3. Doesn't sound like much, but that's considering it wasn't operable until March and then was off-line for 5 of the subsequent months - and has to share exercising rights with a few other machines. So, that's maybe three months operating time.

What does that say? Simple. It means I get a lot of enjoyment out of the darned thing.
Gday everyone , I'm Jase from new Zealand , and have a 85 mdl , just finished doing a lot of maintenance and had a lot of dramas sorting these carbs out LOL , all i can say is a big thanks too everyone who has posted all this information about these carbs i know i could of just posted for help however I'm an avid reader so i just absorbed the info available , my trusted steed is now back to its former glory of the muscle bike pinnacle . again many many thanks mbros

LOL she's not bad hey bro LOL

Whoa! I had to go look. Beats Margaret Thatcher any day!

Good to hear another '85 is back in the fight. My '86 is in fine form, but I recently acquired a very needy '85. It's in the project pipeline. Sorely tempted to move it to the front of the line!

Welcome to the jungle!
oh yeah bro i know exactly what ya mean she and this govt handled this pandemic quite well but we as a country are still not out of the woods we still have new cases arriving daily and now the UK strain is now here just hope we as a community can keep this contained cheers mbros
They definitely should've handled things alil better yesterday sad that lady got shot and killed. Clearly she probably shouldn't have been acting a fool but i don't think that was her intention to go there and get shot by the police.
we still have new cases arriving daily and now the UK strain is now here just hope we as a community can keep this contained cheers mbros

Good luck with that. We've been in full don't leave the house lock down for 3 days and both deaths and infections are still rising. No doubt there is some momentum that needs to be dissipated but I would expect by this time next week both should have peaked.

So be careful our there. It is really nasty ****.
Well, she was an Air Force veteran that definitely knew better.

But that's what happens when you get out of the military, have no prospects, wind up cleaning pools and that doesn't last for long, and in desperation you look for something to believe in and somebody to blame for all your problems.

Trump gave her all that.

People wonder how on earth Hitler ever pulled off what he pulled off. Well, you just saw it. As a German friend of mine said, "You Americans have just woke up as we did long ago to find that a third of your people would kill another third of your people while the other third watched based only on one man's rhetoric."

This is what you did to your Vmax today?
Dude, give it a rest. I've pretty much laid back and watched for months, but civil (and forum) unrest starts with a precious few. Are you one?

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