I for one, can go to any online news source, or party-centered website and receive affirmation of a particular political viewpoint. I can comment with like-minded people, or I can log-into some website where I can post about my political beliefs in opposition to whatever someone else has posted. There are thousands of places to discharge my emotions in writing about political topics.
The forum has largely been able to eventually set-aside the political threads, with the passage of time. It's highly unlikely that anything posted by any member is going to change another member's political standing and viewpoint. Right of center, left of center, 'down the middle,' that's a personal point of view you carry with you into the ballot station when you exercise your privilege to vote. If you want to wear a shirt with 'hope' stenciled below a bust of a political character, if you want to wear a red MAGA hat and read Twitter from your chosen political leader (until recently), those activities are personal choices afforded you under this political system, the envy of the world, despite recent riotous behavior.
I come here to research how-to fix a particular motorcycle mechanical issue, to see what others have done with their rides, to read stories of places others have ridden their motorcycles, to contribute gearhead content which I believe would be of interest to fellow members. I hope we can once again recognize we have differing political views, and choose to discuss our strongly-held beliefs of political orientation on websites where that is the primary focus: being political.
A return to sharing with others solutions to mechanical issues, modifications I've made to my rides, places I've been, or experiences while riding are subjects I trust are worthy of reading here, once again. My subjects, and yours, related to our favorite ride, the Yamaha VMax, and motorcycling, gearhead topics, the history of motorcycling and motorsports and similar topics. When we stick to these types of threads, civility generally prevails, no one gets prickly about their political differences with other members, and there are no burrs under the saddle to irritate us.