Funny; I had removed cylinder's cover caps (cap that cover the cylinder coolant drain plug) but I had a issue with removal of cylinder # 2's cap and stripped the painted allen head. I finally got it off last Sunday but didn't have the last Python cover to put back on it (I keep it in my brothers garage and I ran into a buddy that had a easy out so we went ahead and removed it) I didn't have time to install the cover since it was still at my house.
So fast forward to this last Saturday, I get a call from my brother who was in the garage looking at coolant starting to drain out of my bike! He said he walked in and was stand by his bike and he hears this light "pop" noise, then a quick "tink" type noise so he turns around and see's nothing. He thinks nothing of it but a few minutes later he hears a "glunk - glunk" noise of fluid draining. Since our bikes are parked on one half of the garage, kinda angle parked in front of the bench he see's nothing, he looks under his truck thinking it may have come from there but see nothing, so he walks around behind his bike and then notices a small puddle on the ground next to my bike! He finds the plug, cleans it off and pushes it back in then calls me. I get over there and find that the draining has stopped but there was about a quart of coolant laying on the floor which I soak up with some good ol' dry Lake Superior beach sand then install the cover.
I found it hard to believe that the rubber plug took a week to work it's way out since I had removed the cover and rode the bike home about a mile then parked it. The bike had sat untouched for a week before it fell out? It must have been the heat/ cold cycle that worked it out as we have had nights in the high 20's and days into the low 60's. The funny thing is that the timing couldn't have been better to have my brother right there when it happened.
Another job crossed off the list; It was windy as heck here this weekend so not much riding so I worked on the forks and got the front sag set at about 1 5/8" with me in the saddle, which is close enough for me. I had the fork caps off probably 10 times so I can get them back on easy now! I have about 7/8" of the spacer sticking out which should be good but I will do some test rides to see. Oil level is something I had to play with, I ended up with the oil level at about 6 1/4" from the top (w/o springs or spacers in), if I used any more oil it seemed to not want to have more than a couple of inches of travel. :confused2

Progressive springs, lowered 2" with Ricor intiminators and 5 wt Silkolene oil, no air pressure)