What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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I swapped out the stock bars for my pro tapers and put on my eBay mirrors. Also I put my tools away. I'm gonna try to find some more slack in the throttle cables before I ride to this stupid meeting I have today.

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Didn't do much on the archangel today, I've been taking a break, my back is killing me today.
So while I was gathering the bills to pay at the end of the month, I made some decisions about some purchases I was going to make.

Have to be responsible ya know. I figure I don't need another guitar, I don't need that sweet 20 channel mixing board. So I did the grown-up thing.

In 6, to 10 weeks at the longest (depending on how much they are backed up on orders), I will have a 3D printer headed my way. I think this will do the shop some good by making prototyping much easier than going from plan to metal. If it doesn't work and it's in metal, I have a new fishing weight. But, if the plastic doesn't work, I just chop it up, melt it down and put it through the machine that turns it back to filament. If it looks like it will work and it fits, then it will get finalized in metal.

It's not the biggest printer out there, only about a 5x5x6" cube of printing space, but for what I'm going to use it for, that's more than enough room.


Hmmmmm... If I were to design the parts in a CADD program, you could then make a mock-up of what I need to take to a machine shop?

*proceeds to design a Lamborghini in CADD*

Seriously though, that sounds EPIC COOL!
Cleaned everything up. Got geared up. Started bike. Look down. Gas pouring out all over left side. Put bike in garage. Will hit with a hammer later. I was PIIISSSSSSED.

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OK. Hit with hammer. Carb stopped being stupid, but I'm fairly certain that my tank is rusting or my fuel pump is rusting... or something. It's really tricky to hold a steady RPM below 2500 just sitting in the driveway. I guess maybe these carbs are coming off again to get cleaned out and I'll be looking for ANOTHER tank that I'll get coated before it goes in.
Relocating a few things. Have to move the nitrous manifolds, I'll get that done later on tonight.
Being I moved the radiator over-flow and now the nitrous manifolds, I had some nice space for the engine kill unit and the electric air valve.

A few quick cuts with the dremel's rotary wheel, to the back of the stock coolant over-flow and I had the mount. Then it just was a matter of a few holes, a couple of allen bolts, and a 90 deg piece of aluminum, then the engine kill/Air valve assembly is done and just pops into place :)


Now its time to fine tune the design for the air cylinder mount then it will be time for plumbing and wiring. :)
I'll post it again: one of the best pieces of advice I ever got when I was getting my 'Max back onto the road, was from my friend who has been a Yamaha mechanic since before the 'Max was new-the Gen1. He told me, "don't bother messing w/your tank, don't coat it, get it dipped or do anything but remove it and replace it w/a new one. You will save yourself all-sorts of headaches, and have a much happier time w/the bike when you don't have the problems that are gonna come your way from a deteriorated tank." I got a new one from Ron Ayres Motorsports, at the time it was less than $200, dunno about now...

OK. Hit with hammer. Carb stopped being stupid, but I'm fairly certain that my tank is rusting or my fuel pump is rusting... or something. It's really tricky to hold a steady RPM below 2500 just sitting in the driveway. I guess maybe these carbs are coming off again to get cleaned out and I'll be looking for ANOTHER tank that I'll get coated before it goes in.
OK. Hit with hammer. Carb stopped being stupid, but I'm fairly certain that my tank is rusting or my fuel pump is rusting... or something. It's really tricky to hold a steady RPM below 2500 just sitting in the driveway. I guess maybe these carbs are coming off again to get cleaned out and I'll be looking for ANOTHER tank that I'll get coated before it goes in.

Pinwall cycle has one. $25 - buy it now, w/$25 shipping
http://www.ebay.com/itm/94-Yamaha-V...Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c71982162&vxp=mtr He says rust in tank, but some etcher and some bolts could take care of that.

This guy has one for $241 shipping included, but he doesn't say what kind of shape the tank is in.

Then there is always Sean and the Others.
I could drain and etch the current tank easily enough. I'll see what's going on in there in a couple days. Local shop does a lot of tank coating with por15. I might have them coat a brand new tank. Then I'd feel like I should be safe.

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Hmmmmm... If I were to design the parts in a CADD program, you could then make a mock-up of what I need to take to a machine shop?

*proceeds to design a Lamborghini in CADD*

Well it might take a while. It's a small heated bed and Lambos are a tad bigger. So, ya may have to jigsaw it together. :biglaugh:

I fired up AutoCAD this afternoon and have been putting ideas to paper. The bracket I put together for my airshifter air valve and engine kill would have been a perfect thing to "print" up.
Spent some time in the garage putting things together. Works great, 'cept for when it started to sprinkle then traction became an issue. But thanks again for the deal on my airshifter to Mr. Morley :punk:



The only thing I did today with Redbone is burn a little more than 2 tanks of fuel though her. Beautiful weather here today with little wind and a high of 78* made for a great day of riding along the St Mary's river and then onto the shores of Whitefish Bay at the eastern end of Lake Superior.
I rode past several lake freighters, some empty heading to western ports on Lake Superior to pick up their iron ore pellets, while others were heading east and "down river" riding low in the water from the weight of their heavy loads of ore for the steel mills to the south.
It was a nice easy ride, although a couple of blasts to triple digits kept the blood pumping strong though my veins. I pulled into Paradise's only gas station to fill up since I had almost 90 miles on the odo and a little more than 40 miles to go. Once fueled, I jumped back onto M-123 heading south but noticed a vehicle going a little fast so I just short shifted up to 3rd up to the 45 mph limit. I was about 1/4 mile ahead of him when I checked on him but he seemed to be gaining, as I was going past the local sheriff's house I kept it at the speed limit until I saw his car in the garage. This vehicle was still gaining on me so I stepped it up to 55 as we had a little over a mile to get to the marked 55 mph zone. I was staying comfortably ahead of him, but I also noticed there was another car right with him, so just before we hit the official 55 zone this Ford Explorer blows past me with his strap on RV mirror extensions straining from the speed. I let him pull back in, dropped a gear, twisted the grip, caught 4th as I pulled into the left lane and laid a nice 105 mph on him as I blasted back past him. I kept going once I pulled back in up to about 125 then kept it there for the next 3 miles leaving the speeding Explorer in my dust.
I slowed down to 65 as I was coming up on another vehicle which I had to wait to pass, so I checked my mirror and the Explorer and his buddy were catching back up! Once I was able to pass the slower car I bumped it up to 90 to see what these two cars were up to. Once I was 3/4 mile clear of the passed car they come wheeling past that car thinking they were going to catch me! I thought to myself that these guys seriously want to get a closer look at Redbone but I was not in the mood for hearing their “cousin had one these and it scared the hell out of him” stories. I dropped into 4th pegging the throttle, then hit 5th and didn't let up until I was south of 145 on the speedo (probably closer to 138-140 in reality). I did a real quick check of the mirrors and their headlights were getting smaller, as I had just went about 3.5/ 4 miles above 135 miles per hour so I backed it down to around 100 to check on the pursuer’s progress. I had gone around a lazy bend in the road and up a good sized hill so I had 1.5 mile view in the mirror but I never saw their headlights again. Sigh, over so easily.
I still had close to 30 miles to get to home and most of it would be on my often traveled road along the beaches and ridges on Lake Superior Shoreline Road, a somewhat curvy road that is fun to ride at speeds of 80 to 120 mph. Since I thoroughly tested Redbone at Thunder on their beautiful curvy roads, and my adrenalin was still a little pumped I kept up the speed and checked out how my suspension mods would work on the sometimes less than smooth U.P. roads. I was happy to find that the straight tracking through some 110 mph corners that used to give the old Redbone a hinge like effect at 90 mph was no longer there. I was even able to steer around some of rougher asphalt patch filled spots that I would have to fight through before.
The last 35 minutes of the ride today was a lot of fun even though the entire day was what I wished every day would be like during the summer in the U.P.!
Finally installed a set of 95 FZR1000 front calipers. :biglaugh:
Looks great!
Spent some time in the garage putting things together. Works great, 'cept for when it started to sprinkle then traction became an issue. But thanks again for the deal on my airshifter to Mr. Morley :punk:



Very nice KJ, I really like the work you've done on Archangel!
Thanks Brian.
There is actually light at the end of the tunnel. Over winter, I'm going to stretch my spare swingarm and then I'll be done for a while. Short of putting a USD front end with some of Taylor's wheels and beefy swingarm, I don't see anything else cosmetically.

Then, it will be time to spend a little more time with the nitrous designs and put some money in the bank. I graduate in the spring, which means time to start paying off student loans.
I brought home my bike's physically challenged cousin. Surgeries will begin soon. Some electrical, carb re-do, maybe some soda blasting (or other media-I'm open to suggestions), some paint stripping and polishing before extra parts go up for sale.
I took a photo of the finished product. 18 months of renovating a 1989. But cannot get the pic to upload. Is this site iPad unfriendly?
So, after working about 2 hours each day after work for the last 4 days, I finally removed a frozen front rotor bolt, replaced the front wheel bearings, wire brushed the entire rim, re-mounted the tire, and then painted the entire rim flat black. It turned out amazing, pic to follow in the morning when I have some light. I also stripped and reprinted both front calipers. A soda blaster from harbor freight worked great for blasting the rotors, just a little messy but easy to cleanup. Can't wait to get back on the bike after a week of working on that damn bolt.
After taking the max out for a rip to check the steer brgs after adjustment to see if the shake was gone, the bike leave me stuck on the side of the road at 10pm :tantrum:

Called my buddy with his trailer to pick me up. After some testing found the R/R failed on me. So I guess its now time to do the R1 R/R mod. LOL Looking around for one on a Saturday and nobody has one. If they do have one, its stupid expensive! Did some more looking on ebay etc, and found that the 07-12 yamaha rhino UTV R/R is the same as the FZR1000 and Royal Distributing has the Rhino one in stock for $104. :eusa_dance: Installed new R/R under pass seat ( was the only spot I could find ) and replaced the burnt wiring from the stator. Test the bike, now I have 14.2 VDC @ 2k RPM. I've never had that good of a charge since I've owned the bike :clapping:


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I took a photo of the finished product. 18 months of renovating a 1989. But cannot get the pic to upload. Is this site iPad unfriendly?

Yes, it isn't the easiest thing but you can upload from an iPad. First off you have to have the photo on your iPad (honestly, you'd by floored how many ppl have told me they took the photo with their iPhone so it should just magicly appear on the iPad they haven't synced in 7months).

1) Start by tapping the paperclip/attachments icon. This will open a second page on your iPad labeled Manage Attachments.
2) On that page tap Choose File. It will ask if you want to take a new picture or choose an existing one.
3) This will open you current photo collection on the iPad for you to scroll through. Pick one. The best one, as iPads are dumb an you should be using an android/windows based tablet. Also it will only display you first choice.
4) Once it finishes uploading, you should click back over to the page you are posting on. From there tap Preview Post to make sure it did work. Continue typing out you post.
5) Pictures always appear at the end of the text; if you want to put text after the picture tap the paperclip again and select the img. This will paste the HTML that you can copy/paste into your text as you see fit.


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