I don't know how much we can help at this point, you may just have a permament case of modificationitis.
This is a chronic disease that infects the host to the soul. But there is a way to slow the spread of the infection and maybe even have it go into remission. It is a drastic treatment program and while not painfull in the initial stages, it breaks down even the strongest man. While the cure may seem radical at first, many will succumb to the powerful medicine known just as the "cure".
Now, I'm sure there are many of you that at one time happily played with the mod monkey, even embraced him but sooner or later, due to no fault of your own, the monkey was sent packing by the "cure". I know you know who you are, and you hold no pity for '02Moneypit's current predicament. You know what his cure is...let him know, but do it easy, for he knows not of what I speak of!:rofl_200::rofl_200: