Well-Known Member
Rode to work today!! YAHOOOOO
turned a few heads on the way through downtown as well....I love doing that.
Rode to work today!! YAHOOOOO
Aww, crap! I forgot them Jim. I will stop on the way and pick some up ...I think she wanted two bottles? If not call me and leave me a message on my cell, were leaving at 6 am...Sissy bar????? WTF is a sissy bar LOL..... see you tomorrow Redbone, and oh do I have a surprise for you!!!!!!! OH yeah and before I forget, did you get Jodi her Aleve liquid gels? Need to know what I owe you.
After another retorque, 40mph decel wobble persists. May shoot bike. Back to garage.
try loosening your rear axle nut.... it fixed 44magnums wobble issues...
Hey bro,......
How `bout some pics??:thumbs up::hmmm::thumbs up:Levers back from PC, installed ; exhaust showed up today, installed;...license plate light bolts ,..wired.( they look kewl).