Nice work Shel!! Looks great!! :thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:
What's the URL to the video?
I like it Sheldon, I was concerned about the aftermarket grill openings I bought as well... so I did the same kinda thing, but I painted mine bright red so the grill would stand out better.:confused2:Here are the pics of the grill protecter i made.
I like it Sheldon, I was concerned about the aftermarket grill openings I bought as well... so I did the same kinda thing, but I painted mine bright red so the grill would stand out better.:confused2:
Bob (noxx02) came by yesterday and dropped off a clutch handle and then we switched bikes and roared up and down the street a couple times. The front controls take a bit of getting used to but what a sweet ride. two bikes the same year but two totaly different animals loud and proud.
Bob`s right, we need to find more local vmax owners to ride with.
And, today, I took it to get gas for the lawn mower.
I`ve gotten a few of those in my time.:biglaugh:I got a performance award. (so did my friend)
That sounds like a setup to me.:ummm:It was improper passing. I overtook an elderly couple driving a compact on a desolate country road. There were only 2 cars for miles. Unfortunately, you see one of the cars in the picture.
No I didn`t LOL.
The handle that you sent was a brake handle, the previous owner broke the ball end off the clutch handle so I torched and curled it a bit.
It feels alright but he brought it by anyway.
how bad was the fine/ticket?I got a performance award. (so did my friend)
That sounds like a setup to me.:ummm:
the elderly couple were informants.:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:believe it or not we actualy have elderly people driving around in special cars that are neighborhood snitches.
they call themselves:: senior citizens on patrol.LOL.
Yeah, it`s kinda rediculous when you think about it but, I guess it validates their nosynessss.They may be old but you can`t out run a radio.LOL:confused2:oh ok. i was like damn man bad luck!
how bad was the fine/ticket?
jeeze some people have too much time. clearly they shoudl go get a greeter job @ wallymart
Wow Shel, that looks really sharp, it really defines the scoop openings!Here are some pics of the billet rings i made to go un the scoops to offset the carbon on carbon,and to give it a little more depth.:biglaugh: Dont worry jim these do not make me faster ,hehehehe.:eusa_dance: