my bike has right under 6k miles on it... i guesss they may have walked from initial install...
the procedure looks pretty straightforward except for one part.. when ur talking about the spring scale.
how are you supposed to keep the forks straight if you are pulling on just one fork? that would cause that one to start pushing forward? wouldn't u want to maybe tie a shoe string around both forks and then pull?
Also, what do u mean when u see the fender arc a bit? does that mean when the tip of the fender basically moves an inch forward/down? seems like a lot of play...
i'm gonna have to figure out a way to get the torque on that first nut. either make a tool or something.... don't really have accesss to the tools to make the socket...
hey danny how hard was it to make a square hole in a spanner wrench?
Very simple Garrett.....I'll send you mine! How hard was that!! :biglaugh:
well that would just be phenominal!