What is your job title

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Well, As I previously wrote here, I do Weapon Systems Test and Evaluation. AR15 and M16 Stuff. Now AR15.Com wants me to step up as a Moderator for the NFA Stuff. NFA is all the Stuff the BATF controls. Some discussions go totally ballistic. That should be like trying to control a NASCAR Drivers Meeting...

I'm not sure I want anything to do with the job:ummm::ummm::ummm:
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Think I posted here before but did not feel like reading thru all the post. I am the head parts guy.The head mechanic,The head painter.The head parts driver. I am beginning to think I need more than one of me.LOL
My offical Gorvernment job title is "Engineering Technician" but I have been called "Tech Rep" and "Contractor" (which actually pisses me off)

Most of the Sailors on the worlds Finest Warship's (Officers included) still call me my favorite title though...


even though I retired from active duty 2 years ago :)
Kyle, I told you that.....:rofl_200:Cloning Time......

Cool, CHIEF.... Good to have you here...
Technically its jut Military Working Dog Handler, but I am a trainer also just not in that slot.
Work as a service supervisor for one of the largest petroleum service companies around. I live in AK, but the next ringing of the phone can send me off to exotic lands. So far my job has seen me dodging natives in the jungles of three continents, being hidden in the trunk from mobsters in Georga(Russia), stationed in the Pacific ocean for months at a time on a research vessel for Texas A&M, racing to completion on a project while surrounded by a wildfire here in Alaska.

Every time someone hands me a plane ticket I promise myself it is the last one, but I know deep down it won't be...
My job title is chilled water technician. I operate and maintain 40,000 tons of cooling capacity for the Campus. We call ourselves glorified janitors and I hate it. Boss is a *******. To give you a idea of what he's like.. His best friend was the department head of the power plant and was knifed to death in his own bed by a disgruntled employee. I was told he deserved it.
I drive a semi truck for a major LTL carrier. Trucks are slow and boring and a Vmax is the perfect way to unwind after a busy day of driving amongst stupid cagers who think I can stop on a dime when the pull out in front me.
I lay alot of pipe. i'm a plumber. I mostly do sewer and water line replacments.
and some sepitic systems.

work for a small growing company. only 3 of us. i roll in around 830. and off by 5 .
I just retired from the US ARMY with 26 yrs 3 months and 20 days lol well that is what says on my dd214.

military police , medic, drill sgt and i hate to mention recruiter......

yes last offical day is 30 april 2011...

:th_party33: yep here comes the TAKILLA

I just retired from the US ARMY with 26 yrs 3 months and 20 days lol well that is what says on my dd214.

military police , medic, drill sgt and i hate to mention recruiter......

yes last offical day is 30 april 2011...

:th_party33: yep here comes the TAKILLA

Congradulations ...........and thank you for your service!
Material relocation specialist.... aka dump truck driver!! LOL I like the job but I can't really handle all the instability anymore so I just got my haz-mat and going to start working for USF Holland or another friend of mine is trying to get me into hauling fuel, either way hopefully no more layoffs.
Employer: US Army (via Tax Payers)
MOS: 12M Firefighter
Duty Position: DoD Fire Academy Instructor
Specialty: HazMat/WMD and Strutural Firefighting
Additional Duty: President of Green Knights Chapter 64 and MI Bn Mortorcycle Safety Rep (Safety+VMax+ Joke)

What I really Do: I teach HazMat/WMD for all Branches of Service to include DoD civilians, and occassionaly Foreign National students. Ensure that all Army Soldiers on Goodfellow AFB ride Safely. (Do the mountains of paperwork the MI Bn Commander thinks is needed for motorcycle riders.)
What I love to do you can see on the link below: Hint invloves my Vmax.
(Do the mountains of paperwork the MI Bn Commander thinks is needed for motorcycle riders.)
I was the alternate safety rep at one of my old bases. It was an undergrad pilot training base so we had a high turnover with all the student pilots coming and going.
I got asked today what my call sign means. For those that do not know "Chief Gunner" is an old Navy term for A Chief Petty Officer, Gunners Mate (CPO/ GMC) I'm retired now but I am very fortunate to have an awesome job as a Civilian doing what I love most....working on the most lethal Weapons System ever put to Sea on Warships

<iframe width="640" height="510" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CBjo-hO7fzs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow, Awesome... I'm confined to AR-15 / M16 platform and a couple systems that aren't fully developed yet...
Official job title is Engineer for OIAFR.

I drive and operate the pumping apparatus at the fire department covering Orlando International Airport.
[QUOTEWow, Awesome... I'm confined to AR-15 / M16 platform and a couple systems that aren't fully developed yet... ][/QUOTE]

I'm confined to working one of the most antiquated weapon systems still flying today. The B-52H.

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