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Already looking into that also !! , but Thanks for the heads up reminder on it.. Fast trains , Fast motorcycles , I LOVE IT!!!!
I work in a cylinder head machine shop. We specialize in cast iron fusion welding and aluminum tig welding. My title would be cylinder head machinist/builder. I take orders, do sales, tech questions etc..... the general public will wear you out sometimes lol. We have did everything from 1902-2013. Gas, diesel, water cooled, aircooled, and everything in between. I was that kid that was always reading everything from hotrod to streetrodder magazines. I used to think man that would be a cool job lol! Be careful what you wish for. But I love everything with wheels and engines. There's always something new to learn when it comes to engines. From antique tractor engines to racing engines, we get it. Most machine shops tell you if it's cracked it's junk, we say ********! Send it to us. Yeah welding castiron is like an old black art, but it can be done. Aluminum is much more forgiving. It's not for everybody but somebody has to do it. We've been in business for 21 years and we are still going strong. Some days I love it and some day's I hate it. But the reward is when you see some old contraption brought back to life. Are web site is "tri state cylinder head.com" if anybody wants to see our work. We are also on facebook. There are a lot of detailed pics of our work there.
I'm a heavy highway construction truck driver, and traffic relocation engineer ( I set work zones). A few of the loads





And a little fun at work
Geez, I hope the hydraulic cyl's on that big front-end loader don't leak! That pic makes me nervous just looking. How often do the State DOT police stop you to check things?
Geez, I hope the hydraulic cyl's on that big front-end loader don't leak! That pic makes me nervous just looking. How often do the State DOT police stop you to check things?

My bike would be a pancake within an hour. you can hear it creaking while its settling down. I've been pretty lucky with DOT. in 12 years of this I've been checked maybe 4 times. We do a lot of work on the Thruway, so we work a lot with troopers for traffic control. Moving the wide equipment is one of the reasons I can't imagine lane splitting. That PC300 excavator is almost 11 ft wide, and weighs around 80,000 lbs. Most of the lanes on our roads are 12 ft wide. not a lot of room for error. If you hit the track, I think it might leave a mark.
Industrial electrical specialist. I do power quality analysis, load calculation, electrical system design, and safety inspection during construction on industrial electrical systems. Specialize in electric motor controls, pipeline and refinery applications. Basically, when the pipeline/refinery tech can't figure it out, they call us.
Last week I was a welder fabricator building Elevators, was laid off wendsday(do to optyrecty/rectalcranium disease on managements part) today I landed a three month temp job,that will hopefully lead to a premanite position as a manufacturing service technician "A" at Pelican products, they make world class cases for all kinds of stuff, guns,computers,lighting. the plant has been on the show "how its made"
Thats great Rick that you landed something right away!!!..........Hope it works out for you!!.................Tom.
Congrats, most sportsmen have @ least 1 Pelican box! I do.

Last week I was a welder fabricator building Elevators, was laid off wendsday(do to optyrecty/rectalcranium disease on managements part) today I landed a three month temp job,that will hopefully lead to a premanite position as a manufacturing service technician "A" at Pelican products, they make world class cases for all kinds of stuff, guns,computers,lighting. the plant has been on the show "how its made"
Last week I was a welder fabricator building Elevators, was laid off wendsday(do to optyrecty/rectalcranium disease on managements part) today I landed a three month temp job,that will hopefully lead to a premanite position as a manufacturing service technician "A" at Pelican products, they make world class cases for all kinds of stuff, guns,computers,lighting. the plant has been on the show "how its made"

They also make GREAT flashlights...Completely water proof. In fact sitting here looking at the Pelican sabrelite 2000.

Yeah, Pelican anything is pretty much top-notch. I have a couple of carry cases and a couple of flashlights. Both have been around the world with me a couple of times. Tough schitt!
They also make GREAT flashlights...Completely water proof. In fact sitting here looking at the Pelican sabrelite 2000.


Yes they do,drop them in water while turned on, and preasurize the chamber to test them.some even glow in the dark.I'm looking forward to working there, I really hope it turns perminate, but thats not what I signed up for so I'll understand if it doesn't
I recently got hired into my internship as a full-time portfolio analyst. I graduate this April,majoring in finance. Next on the list is Series 65, then my CFA Charter.
I recently got hired into my internship as a full-time portfolio analyst. I graduate this April,majoring in finance. Next on the list is Series 65, then my CFA Charter.

Are you attending Grand Valley, or another state branch (I see the G.R. address)? Congratulations on being ready to work, an on having a degree to get your foot in the door.
Are you attending Grand Valley, or another state branch (I see the G.R. address)? Congratulations on being ready to work, an on having a degree to get your foot in the door.

I am actually attending Davenport University. Thanks for the congrats. Can't wait to be done with school especially now that I have a "grown up" job. Sadly, I probably learned more at my job in 6 months than the 5 years of school plus on top of that spending $50K for a piece of paper that has my name on it...
Its not just a piece of paper with your name on it. I dont mean to sound like your dad but if you dont step up and take a proud positive acceptance of what you have accomplished neather will anyone else. Its ok to be proud in a positive way and im sure everyone of us brother vmaxer's are happy to here that you have a great accomplishment that you spent 5 years to get. Now embrace it and make a great life for yourself. I dont know how old you are but if you embrace your degree you will make at least $50000 per year and im sure it will be more. I still have 15 to 20 years to work and im 48 years old. $50000 x 20 is alot of money. I dont know of any other paper that is printed that is worth that much. You will always learn more hands on. Just remember its not how much money you make. Its how much you keep. My dad told me that when i was 20 years old and it took me until i was 40 years old to actully know what he was saying. Its taking me 8 years to get out of debt and i still have 15 to 20 to keep as much as i can. Enjoy your job and do your best to keep every dime you can........MIKe
I am a Housing Manager/ Inspector for a state housing agency. And yes not only do they let me do my inspections on my max, but in this economy they encourage it!
I been the owner of JAG Co. for 27 years, consist of - Plumbing,heating,AC, property maintenance contracts, walk though properties for investor's, complete properties remolding,

I so build few motor's for a few drag race friends.

I all so had a cycling / bike shop witch I sold 7 years ago.

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