I've named everything since my first bicycle (wildfire). I some times am concerned ill run out of names. Since the only guy I ride with who has a power cruiser rides a valkeryie, I was thinking about calling it "einherjar" after the Norse fallen warriors that are served mead and meat nightly by the valkeryies. But I didn't much like the idea of being a 'fallen'.
As it turned out I was coming a round a sweeping curve and had it cranked up a few days after I bought it when I passed a broke down motorist. I turned a around to help an who should it be but my valk riding friend! First words out of his mouth,"What the hell is that!? I knew something big was coming but all I saw was a blur!"
That settled that.
As it turned out I was coming a round a sweeping curve and had it cranked up a few days after I bought it when I passed a broke down motorist. I turned a around to help an who should it be but my valk riding friend! First words out of his mouth,"What the hell is that!? I knew something big was coming but all I saw was a blur!"
That settled that.