An Inconvenient Truth

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
Oshawa, Ontario
This movie made several good points toward lowering our carbon footprint and I thought Al Gore did a pretty decent job of delivering the message. I understand that many key pieces of global warming data are in dispute.

In parts of Ontario we have to perform mandatory emission tests on our cars/trucks. No such tests exist for motorcycles but I wonder how soon before bike emissions will be tested, or snowmobiles, ATV's...heck, even lawn mowers!

I figure cars/trucks bear the brunt of the emissions blame due to their sheers numbers which is why they are regulated so much. I'm not sure if the same is true for motorcycles. If bike manufacturers have to conform to the same strict emissions (CARB?) regulations as cars for internal combustion engines I wonder how that will affect future models of bikes. A hybrid motorcycle? A small turbo-diesel bike? Or keep the motocycle relatively as-is with way more pollution gear?

This movie made several good points toward lowering our carbon footprint and I thought Al Gore did a pretty decent job of delivering the message. I understand that many key pieces of global warming data are in dispute.

All of it is in dispute. Research scientists who oppose this crock and see for yourself. There is a reason key information and data was fabricated (LIED ABOUT) by the global warming club

In parts of Ontario we have to perform mandatory emission tests on our cars/trucks. No such tests exist for motorcycles but I wonder how soon before bike emissions will be tested, or snowmobiles, ATV's...heck, even lawn mowers!

= Massive buddy club for politicians to line the pockets of there crew with tax payers hard earned money.

I figure cars/trucks bear the brunt of the emissions blame due to their sheers numbers which is why they are regulated so much.

They bear the brunt because its more people to steal more money from


In the end we should all keep in mind clamate change has existed before man was ever a factor. Do you really think getting you vehicle emission tested is going to save the world when the Chinese are building coal powerplants at record rates???? This is a political goldmine connected to YOUR WALLET
+1...especially about the chinese , everywhere you go in China there's a layer of coal dust on everything and the smog in the big cities is crazy . America is at least aware .
Hey, I thought Al Gore was very articulate in this movie...for a politician. I don't know much about Gore's politics except he lost to Bush. Is he really worse than Bush?

Yes, I heard that the data supporting global warming was exaggerated to make the matter seem more urgent. This is a pity since it discredits a larger cause that could help clean our air and water of some harmful chemicals and particulate. The spread of coal plants all over China is proof that the global warming theory is either not accepted or not financially popular enough to embrace.

I am not ready to say the whole matter is a crock.

Scientists are still arguing whether or not a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and the naysayers won't be convinced until the next rock falls from the sky so the debate will continue.

All I know is that given the choice between avoiding a potentially bad situation or ignoring a potentially bad situation, I'll steer toward the safer alternative if I can.

Al Gore is a self serving politician with an agenda he wants to shove down everyone's throats. He preaches about saving the planet as he flies around in a private jet and rides around in big SUVs, while maintaining several homes.

Global warming is ********. Has anyone talked about record cold winters in Europe? Nope. Has anyone talked about patterns of climate changenatural to the planet? Nope....some coastline ocean temperature is a fraction of a degree warmer, Al Gore caught wind of it, exaggerated it a thousand-fold, and made a movie to make people feel bad and convince them they will save the earth if they drive a prius. Did Al Gore tell you that on a daily basis cows "emit" more greenhouse gas than all the world's motor vehicles? Nobody gives a **** about cows farting, yet everyone is up in arms about adding 10% of a 50% cleaner fuel that's 200% more expensive to our cars and how that's going to solve everyone's problems.

It's a crock. Look up facts and independent research about the topic, not movies made by politicians. You'll see for yourself.
Al Gore is a self serving politician with an agenda he wants to shove down everyone's throats. He preaches about saving the planet as he flies around in a private jet and rides around in big SUVs, while maintaining several homes.

Global warming is ********. Has anyone talked about record cold winters in Europe? Nope. Has anyone talked about patterns of climate changenatural to the planet? Nope....some coastline ocean temperature is a fraction of a degree warmer, Al Gore caught wind of it, exaggerated it a thousand-fold, and made a movie to make people feel bad and convince them they will save the earth if they drive a prius. Did Al Gore tell you that on a daily basis cows "emit" more greenhouse gas than all the world's motor vehicles? Nobody gives a **** about cows farting, yet everyone is up in arms about adding 10% of a 50% cleaner fuel that's 200% more expensive to our cars and how that's going to solve everyone's problems.

It's a crock. Look up facts and independent research about the topic, not movies made by politicians. You'll see for yourself.

I have read independent reports about global warming, both for and against it. Although the jury still seems to be out, there's nothing wrong with wanting to produce less pollution. The Ministry of Environment in Ontario has warned people to avoid eating fish from many of our "clean" rural fresh-water lakes. Acid rain "could" be blamed on volcanoes but it is far more likely to be the result of industrial and automobile emissions.

Is it a stretch to consider that mass farming of cattle by people, increased industrial/automobile gas, loss of trees/plants to absorb CO2, etc may be having a negative affect on global climate?

I'm not saying that Gore doesn't have an agenda. He probably does. All I am saying is that there is increased focus on the environment and this may affect the way we enjoy motorcycling. My current bike has an O2 sensor and a catalytic converter.

He hasn't said much of anything since the latest scandal was unraveled about the lies told in the research about global warming. He is heavily invested in alternative solutions to oil . He was into the scam about buying and selling " renewable energy credits " , while owning a large amount of shares in Occidental Petroleum , which drills for oil in some questionable locations. His private life is a lie , and who can forget that he invented the internet ?
Has humanity polluted/contaminated areas of the planet? Absolutely. Is the planet going to turn into a sweltering ball of noxious gas from one too many Hummers? No. On a planetary scale, humanity isn't that big of a force. Every system favors equilibrium, and the earth is a pretty damn big system.

I'm not against conservation and moving away from gasoline, but politicians exaggerating non-issues and shoving impractical solutions on everyone pisses me off.

Gasoline won't last forever. Ethanol is a fad and unless some incredible advances are made in the field of electricity the electric car will never take off. Hydrogen will be the future. Honda's already built a practical, reasonably priced car. Now it'll just take a few decades to catch on.
Hey, I thought Al Gore was very articulate in this movie...for a politician. I don't know much about Gore's politics except he lost to Bush. Is he really worse than Bush?

Yes, I heard that the data supporting global warming was exaggerated to make the matter seem more urgent. This is a pity since it discredits a larger cause that could help clean our air and water of some harmful chemicals and particulate. The spread of coal plants all over China is proof that the global warming theory is either not accepted or not financially popular enough to embrace.

I am not ready to say the whole matter is a crock.

Scientists are still arguing whether or not a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and the naysayers won't be convinced until the next rock falls from the sky so the debate will continue.

All I know is that given the choice between avoiding a potentially bad situation or ignoring a potentially bad situation, I'll steer toward the safer alternative if I can.


Gore is quite the salesman. You should do some research into Gore and his investments, then you'll see why he is so "passionate" about some subjects... the ones that make him money!
Gore is quite the salesman. You should do some research into Gore and his investments, then you'll see why he is so "passionate" about some subjects... the ones that make him money!

I welcome the notion that Gore has/had an agenda with his presentation on global warming. He was also entertaining compared to some PhD-types who have spoke on the subject. Bill Clinton playing sax on Arsenio was undoubtedly an election ploy but it was still entertaining seeing a high profile person doing some "different".

Is it possible that some of the scientists against the theory of CO2/global warming have an agenda as well? For example, I recall "scientists" who used to claim that tobacco had no adverse health effects and lots of smokers bought into that research. Personally, I am not ready to drink the kool-aid on either side of this issue although I am inclined toward the conservative side of the argument.

"IF" the CO2/global warming issues is proven false by every credible scientist on the planet then we still have to contend with the proven data that we're running out of oil. Also, combustion of fossil fuels is a major contributor of acid rain, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and volatile particulates, polluted lakes and ground water.

Someone said humanity isn't that big of a force on such a big planet. I hope anyone currently living on the west coast of Canada or the USA takes comfort in that logic because any radioactive water/air from Japan will be heading in that direction by the prevailing ocean currents and winds. Hope it doesn't come to that.

. Did Al Gore tell you that on a daily basis cows "emit" more greenhouse gas than all the world's motor vehicles? Nobody gives a **** about cows farting, .

Actually, the EPA is doing all it can to stretch it's existance so that it might gain $$$$ and more power by intruding into farming/ranching lives by doing exactly that - controlling cow farts. Google it. There's pending legislation most everywhere concerning the EPA trying to install itself into cattle operations and controlling "cows farting". No shiite (pun intended)

...just saying.
I welcome the notion that Gore has/had an agenda with his presentation on global warming. He was also entertaining compared to some PhD-types who have spoke on the subject. Bill Clinton playing sax on Arsenio was undoubtedly an election ploy but it was still entertaining seeing a high profile person doing some "different".

Is it possible that some of the scientists against the theory of CO2/global warming have an agenda as well? For example, I recall "scientists" who used to claim that tobacco had no adverse health effects and lots of smokers bought into that research. Personally, I am not ready to drink the kool-aid on either side of this issue although I am inclined toward the conservative side of the argument.

"IF" the CO2/global warming issues is proven false by every credible scientist on the planet then we still have to contend with the proven data that we're running out of oil. Also, combustion of fossil fuels is a major contributor of acid rain, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and volatile particulates, polluted lakes and ground water.

Someone said humanity isn't that big of a force on such a big planet. I hope anyone currently living on the west coast of Canada or the USA takes comfort in that logic because any radioactive water/air from Japan will be heading in that direction by the prevailing ocean currents and winds. Hope it doesn't come to that.


The main reason for Gore trying to sell the global warming theory is that he wants the Carbon Credit system implemented. If this is pushed through, he stands to make billions...yes billions! He's invested heavily in the company that would control the carbon credit system. Funny how he didn't invest it in something that tackled the pollution problem, as all the carbon credit system does is allow the corporation to keep polluting while they buy credits from companies that don't need it.
The main reason for Gore trying to sell the global warming theory is that he wants the Carbon Credit system implemented. If this is pushed through, he stands to make billions...yes billions! He's invested heavily in the company that would control the carbon credit system. Funny how he didn't invest it in something that tackled the pollution problem, as all the carbon credit system does is allow the corporation to keep polluting while they buy credits from companies that don't need it.

Someone was telling me about a "green credit" system 2 weeks ago. He said the gov't is mandating utility companies to produce a certain amount of their energy from green resources. If they do not meet the percentage they will be fined.

He works for a company that sells solar panels. Their idea is to start putting large solar panel systems on big commercial buildings. Buildings like Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, etc.... They would install the system for free. But the building owners would be mandated to purchase their electricity from the solar company.

The solar company would be earning these "green credits" for the production of clean energy. They would then sell these credits to utility providers to eliminate or greatly reduce fines or other issues from the gov't.

Not sure how true any of this is or if it would really work but it sounds like an interesting plan.