My '94 Max on first startup had a stuck float on one carb. Large amount of gas spewing out.
I tried the easy bang on carb= no, "shotgun" procedure and that did not correct the issue.
Removed the rack using the Haynes Manual & sent them to Danny Urwin (well known, respected VMAX Forum Memeber) for a re-build.
Turn around was fast, cost $430. as I also replace the fuel filter & the rubber "boots" or "unions" that mate the carb to the intake manifold. Old rubber with cracks are indicators to replace at only $14. each.
Danny synced them best he could & I can actually ride the bike until I get them synced.
As a novice, I found the removal & install of the rack of carbs to be time consuming and
frustrating. So I advise studying the procedure (with pics), then make your own chart of what goes where or take digital pics to upload to a laptop. You might forget the details as the re-build with shipping can take 2 weeks.
Figure on maybe 4-6 hrs. of intense labor. I'd have jobed the whole fix out, but there are no
VMAX mechanics in my immediate area (truck bike to dealer?).
I'm 72 yrs., non-mechanic, so you should be able to do this right; but DO NOT BE IN A RUSH!
Jim from Martha's Vineyard, Ma.