Gun control....FAIL

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Yes SO's have part of their probation that they can own or use a computer. Of course that prevents them from getting a job

I know because you see my son is an SO. He dated a girl with ID saying she was 18 (they went many places that required ID) They dated for 3 months. One day her grandmother walked in on them (in her home). Even though she she told everyone that she this was far from Rape, he got 9 to 25 years, will have to wear a tether for the rest of his life and pay the state $650 a month for the tether, and there can't even be computers in the house.

I can't even imagine how many people out there had sex when they were in high school, a whole lot of it with girls that hadn't reached the age of consent (When I was in high school I never asked for ID). There is a LOT of kids in inside just like him, but they are treated just like the guy that grabs a girl off the street.
WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!!!Ruin his life!DAM!This is the goverment and the laws we have!

Here is the catch,,,when your rights under the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights are being grossly violated are you going to stand there and let it happen, or fight back then and there to protect those rights????? What will it be,,,,anyone??? Speak up please.:ummm:

The two ladies in Texas, innocent as hell, stood there while being RAPED by the cop,,,would you have,,,??? It is all on film,,,,I say hell NO!!!:damn angry:


You may have misunderstood me...I believe that this governement has gotten too big and has too much power now. We do not need to lose anymore of our personal freedoms.

Oklahoma is considered a "Wild West" state. You are allowed to reasonably resist an unjust action or response by the police.
Almost 17, she was 17 when he was arrested, but they had been dating for 3 months. His big screw up was "working with the police". They told him he was arrested for the rape of (girls name). He explained it wasn't rape and to prove it wasn't he told them about the whole relationship. After hearing the whole story, they changed the charges to 6 counts of 1st degree SC. He had never even had a trafic ticket, but they treated him like he was a life time ofender. The DA understood is wasn't really "rape" and made a plea deal with him for 5 years in level 2 where he could get his GED. The Judge wouldn't accept the deal and told him if it went to trial, he would put him in prison for life. He was sent to a level 4 prison. not long after getting there he was pressed by three gang bangers. Inside you have 3 choices in that case. The one he could live with... he picked the biggest guy of the three and took him out (guy was 6'2" 240, My Son is 5'10" and 160) Because he broke the guy's jaw, 2 ribs, and knocked the guy out, he was sent to super max (level 5). The only good thing to come out of it was that now that he is out of max no one messes with him. In fact the guys on his floor have great fun any time he gets a new cell mate. Truth is he isn't a tough guy. He only got in one fight all the way thru High School (broke the other kid's cheek bone and left wrist)

If I had the money to get him a real lawyer, He would already be out, but PD was useless.
Rent the movie, "We need To Talk About Kevin", or Google it! This movie came out in 2011, was filmed in Conn., and basically, to a high degree, foretold the entire Sandy Hook incident, Stupid cops, schools, and parents, fully warned from this movie, as we were also warned from a movie very similar to 911.

Check this out!! SHOCKING!

And here's the backlash!

As Petronis (the organizer) said in his interview...."People make their living from these shows...."

What they didn't publish was Susan Steer's TV interview remark....."I thought I would start the petition....I really had nothing to lose" What a self centered, arrogant remark that is! :jerk it::double angry bird:<<<<to you suzy!!
Does any one know what a gun show loophole really is?
Ill tell you if you don't, and why closing it endangers everyone.
At a gun show to get a table you need to be a BATF licensed dealer, entailing all the federally required checks plus whatever that particular state requires.

Some states do allow non dealer, non "pursuit of profit" collectors to actually get a table as well.

The attendees to the show walk around with whatever guns they want to sell or trade and solicit these guns to the dealers.
But in doing this they also solicit these guns to OTHER ATTENDEES or collectors.
If one attendee sees something another attendee has that he likes and they make a deal they can execute a non dealer, private, non papered transaction right on the spot.
Just like a swap meet.
Provided that state doesn't outlaw private sales.
This is absolutely no different than if your neighbor, cousin, or co worker sold you a gun.
They are after ALL THESE TRANSACTIONS, not just "gun show loopholes"
The real reason is that they want these guns to be traceable. If not actually registered.
Brady check is not supposed to be traceable because Fed Law requires that Brady paperwork is destroyed after check is approved. I think its within 10 days.
The fed has been sued multiple times for failing to do so as saving this paper is de facto registration and fed law specifically prohibits the feds from requiring registration for non NFA firearms. States can still require it as they please.
But in spite of this a specific gun with s/n can still be traced from Mfg, to dealer who received it, to first sale by the dealer, because even tho the Brady paperwork is "destroyed" the dealer maintains a registry for life of first point of sale.
Any private sales after first dealer sale are non traceable, unless your state law requires additional steps on a private sale.

If I buy a gun new, sell it to an individual which i can still legally do in Texas, and 10 years later it ends up as a crime gun and they come to me by tracing it back through the mfg. and dealer i bought it from I'm not required to know anything or have a bill of sale etc. as to where the gun went by fed law.
Or state law in Texas.

I'm only required to not "knowingly" sell it to a person prohibited from owning a gun or one who I KNOW is going to use it in a crime. I believe that is Texas state law not fed but am not sure

This is why I have refused to buy a gun new or from a licensed dealer. They will never know what I have regardless of what new laws they pass. They can turn me into a felon tho at the stroke of a pen if I fail to turn in or register what I have should they require it.

They want these guns to be traceable.

Which equals registration.

Which leads to confiscation in every country that has ever initiated registration.

There is no "registration per se" under federal law for any firearm unless it is an NFA item, meaning machine guns and the like.

Outlaw private sales and eventually all firearms WILL be registered and subject to confiscation.

Believe it or not you CAN still own an automatic weapon (NFA weapon) if your willing to pay the money, go through the paperwork and checks, get a CLEO to sign off on it, and are willing to be subject to moments notice visits from the BATF at any given time.

These guns are most definitely registered and theoretically the fed knows where every one of them is at any given time.

My brother has several of these in his collection that is pushing several hundred weapons.

If this "assault weapons ban" pushes through as it looks like it is written virtually any decent weapon will be treated like an NFA item. These items require fingerprints, photos and heavy regulation.

Remember folks, these are the people who when pressed will only admit that "guns are for hunting" acknowledging no context of the 2nd amendment as it pertains to maintaining a populace that is able to resist a tyrannical gov't.

That well regulated militia thing?
A militia at the time it was written was defined in law as any male between the ages of 18-45
The gun grabbers state that "40%" of gun sales do not go thru the 4473/back ground check. The 4473 is the form you fill out when you buy a gun from a dealer- that not just dealers with store fronts, but also the dealers that mostly just do gun shows. I very much doubt these numbers.I have gone to a lot of gun shows and I see a lot of people buying from dealer (and going thru the 4473 process) and a lot of fokes selling gun to dealers (which means the next time it sells it will go thru the 4473 process) and a FEW making deals between private parties.

For those of you that don't know, part of the 4473 process is a call in to the FBI (NICS). You must have picture ID and the check looks for your police record (if any) You may be approved, you may be rejected, or you may be delayed. The ATF is very heavy handed so I would highly recommend if you sell a firearm you bought with a 4473, you make a recite to the new owner and have him sign it. This applies to all firearms but in most states Pistols are registered so in addition to the 4473 they have to go thru a permit transfer too (RI 060) in our state.
I do tend to believe that 40% number since its an estimate that includes guns already sold new being resold between individuals.
. In states that don't outlaw private sale already there is a virtual and legal flea market of individuals selling guns to one another to avoid the traceability. Not just at gun shows but through newspaper adds, neighbors, co workers etc that never go through a dealer. I've bought all mine that way and for that reason.

I have probably owned 300 guns in my life, have less than 50 in my possession the rest being sold by me to other private citizens.
This is legal in Texas and other states that allow private sale as long as its not run as a for profit business
I do tend to believe that 40% number since its an estimate that includes guns already sold new being resold between individuals.
. In states that don't outlaw private sale already there is a virtual and legal flea market of individuals selling guns to one another to avoid the traceability. Not just at gun shows but through newspaper adds, neighbors, co workers etc that never go through a dealer. I've bought all mine that way and for that reason.

I have probably owned 300 guns in my life, have less than 50 in my possession the rest being sold by me to other private citizens.
This is legal in Texas and other states that allow private sale as long as its not run as a for profit business

I'm from a very similar pattern of thinking and,,,, past path in all aspects of what you've said. I've owned a few more firearms than you but currently have similar numbers that I still own.:worthy:

I totally agree with your post of the month comment. We need more of that.:rofl_200::biglaugh:
I'm from a very similar pattern of thinking and,,,, past path in all aspects of what you've said. I've owned a few more firearms than you but currently have similar numbers that I still own.:worthy:

I totally agree with your post of the month comment. We need more of that.:rofl_200::biglaugh:

I couldn't agree more....we can bounce around a title but here's a photo submission for your consideration.......:blink000:


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