I was just in Sandy Hook, Ct, in Oct. Laid to rest a relative. My nephew attended that same school. I believe Obama's tears were real. I know mine were. I still get choked up when I think about all those people/ little kids being murdered. I think about the parents waiting outside of the school for the kids to come out that never did. The presents under the tree that will never be opened. Did you guys see the picture of the cops in a circle hugging each other and crying? Sandy Hook is a small community, people knew each other. It is called a tragedy, even for the shooter. The pain that kid must have been in to do what he did.
I get pissed when I hear the dialogue being all about my second amendment rights. Guns are not the problem? Of course they are. The shooter wasn't packing a slingshot. Some weapons are banned and more should. For example people are not allowed to drive around with a fifty caliber machine gun mounted on the roof of their car.
What about the rights of people not to be killed? A person who keeps a gun for self defense is nine times more likely to be shot with that gun than ever using it for self defense. That's a fact. How do we as a society stop the attitude of violence? The character John Wayne is a fantasy. We need some serious thought because it is our kids and our familes we need to protect. Within the last few days two cops were shot and killed in Kansas by one guy. They were armed and trained. Didn't help them. Unstead of walking around in fear, always ready to pull your gun and start shooting, wouldn't it be better not to have a reason to be in fear?
Those are great liberal and utopian thoughts, however we have a Bill Of Rights that protects our right to own a gun or guns, so guns will always be allowed and if they are attempted to be taken away it will only lead to a very bloody Civil War.
You see, Dave, guns are not just for hunting, or for protecting your family, but protecting us from a
tyranical and dictatorial goverment, should it become that. (And I say it is fast moving in that direction).
Dave, are you aware that there is a thing called "Home Invasion" where bad people barge into your house, usually with knives or guns, rob, rape, kill and or maim,,,Hmmmmmm????,,did you know that,,,and if the bad people know that the good people have no guns, and the bad people do,,do you want to watch your wife and daughter, maybe mother, being raped and sodomized by these bad people because of your weakness and fear of owning a gun, hmmm, Dave, anyone?
Dave, did you read my post of the Texas State Troopers and the Rape, cavity search on
You Tube, watch it and know that the offending raping officer has been suspended, WITH PAY, Ya,,that is what the powers that be think of it's citizens and their Constitutional rights millions fought and died for,(at least that is what they were lead to believe).
Yes, the police are good at taking reports after the horrific crimes, seldom there to stop it while or before it occurs.
Dave ,are you also offended by the killing of babies, even up to the 9th month, or even as Obama wanted even outside the womb if it survives the Abortion?? Do you support that Dave, because that is just as bad, maybe worse than the Newton killings,,,if you can kill in the Womb, than why not 6 or 7 years later,,,what really is the difference???