I guess this is a response to my question from a little while ago.
I will pose THIS question as a followup.
When all you 200+ pounders are ripping wheelies, how are you sitting on the bike? Are you upright? Are you adding a gentle tug? Are you laying down?
You see, I am 170 pounds. My clutch is fresh and has a full 8 discs and a PCW spring. When I get on the bike the entire bike rises as a result of shaft jacking....but I don't have any wheelie issues....nor do I break traction.
Now, let me clarify this. I have never launched this bike from a dead stop in first gear with the intention of producing max acceleration. I HAVE rolled into WOT in first gear from about a 10 mph roll. This was with the old clutch though. I have never had the front wheel come up (at least that I can actually perceive) in second or third gear on roll on accelerationto redline in each gear. Also, I lay on the tank when I really hammer the bike, because the last thing I want to do is fall on my back with a 600 plus pound beast on top of me from 50+ mph. Perhaps I am a pussy, perhaps it is too many years of drag racing cars...but I want the power to the ground and I don't really want to pull wheelies. To that end, I guess I automatically adjust my body position to facilitate avoiding those issues.
Wheelies on a dirt bike are fine. They are even OK on my RZ, since they are the power variety and rarely exceed a few inches (although that bike will loop if you don't lay on it)...but big wheelies on a V-Max? No thanks, you'all....not this kid. :biglaugh:
My bike is plenty fast for me. Traction and no wheelies are fine as well.