Little bunny

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Oh and after the angus, a elephant jumped out.:rofl_200:


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Went to St. Louis last spring on old 50. There were 100's of painted turtles to dodge. Had a semi coming at me when about 300' away, he caught a 10 incher with a rear dual. It came bowling at me and missed my frt tire by a handful of feet. Scary at the moment, but looking back, it sure looked funny. That turtle was roll'n.

On the same hiway this spring, I was traveling where the road was cut through a hill, 15' mini cliffs on each side. A turkey decided to fly across as I flew through. The bird went right over my head by about 5'. I was doing 70+. I would of gotten a third hooter for sure if tom would of smacked my chest. I'd prob be wondering where my ride went.:biglaugh:
Hit a deer with my Roadstar a couple weeks ago. Somehow, no damage to bike, deer, or me.

Got a rabbit on the Max last night comiing home from a bike night at the local watering hole. I saw no carcass this morning, maybe the little bugger made it. Didn't run him over, he just boinked off the front wheel..
Some years back I was riding home late under dressed with the temps in the high 40's wearing a light jacket on my CBR 1000. I was laying on the tank with my left hand tucked into the fairing in an attempt to warm up. Out from the brush a massive Racoon comes bolting out in front of me 10 feet ahead. I was doing about 55 and had no time to react and hit that big dude square. Luckily I managed to get a grip with my left hand before the bike shot up and almost knocked me out cold. I didn't go down but i almost bit my tongue off as well as a big chunk of cheek. I swollowed several non enjoyable cups of blood for the rest of the ride. Not sure about the racoon but I think about him from time to time when riding at night.
i hit a bird on my magna dead in the middle of the radiator, when i sold it it still had feathers in it LOL
Unfortunately, there may be one less bunny in Connecticut today.

I had just left Pulvers Corners, approaching the interchange with the Skunk's Misery Arterial.....(Yeah, I was way out in the boonies:biglaugh:)

negotiating a 40 mph right hander at about 50 or so, nothing radical, and a lil' bunny comes off the shoulder heading straight for my front tire! He didn't go under it but i felt him bonk off the sidewall.

Looked in the mirror and didn't see him anywhere.....but kinda doubt he made it! :confused2:
Back in '93 or '94, outside Silver City NM, up towards Cliff, I hit a mule deer dead square on a CB750k. Neither the deer nor the Honda survived the incident. Cost me a busted clavicle, three broken fingers, and one long cold-ass walk in the middle of nowhere.
Sorry to say I don't recall, but this would have big aug / sept, and he was a big dude. Probably a decent rack.

If it wasn't for the collarbone I would have come back with a truck for his ass, they are good eats that time of year.
Unfortunately, there may be one less bunny in Connecticut today.

I had just left Pulvers Corners, approaching the interchange with the Skunk's Misery Arterial.....(Yeah, I was way out in the boonies:biglaugh:)

negotiating a 40 mph right hander at about 50 or so, nothing radical, and a lil' bunny comes off the shoulder heading straight for my front tire! He didn't go under it but i felt him bonk off the sidewall.

Looked in the mirror and didn't see him anywhere.....but kinda doubt he made it! :confused2:

Some years back I was riding home late under dressed with the temps in the high 40's wearing a light jacket on my CBR 1000. I was laying on the tank with my left hand tucked into the fairing in an attempt to warm up. Out from the brush a massive Racoon comes bolting out in front of me 10 feet ahead. I was doing about 55 and had no time to react and hit that big dude square. Luckily I managed to get a grip with my left hand before the bike shot up and almost knocked me out cold. I didn't go down but i almost bit my tongue off as well as a big chunk of cheek. I swollowed several non enjoyable cups of blood for the rest of the ride. Not sure about the racoon but I think about him from time to time when riding at night.
Sooooo Rock,
Just what are you trying to say, that it was an accident to hit that racoon?? Remember there are those that know you too well to swallow that tripe...:damn angry:
I ran over a roach 1 time coming under my carport, I WAS SCARED!!!!! but then when i stoped i picked it up and smoked it, I wasan't scared anymore :punk:
Sooooo Rock,
Just what are you trying to say, that it was an accident to hit that racoon?? Remember there are those that know you too well to swallow that tripe...:damn angry:

Actaully this time it was not as I usually try to limit my deliberate attempts to endangered species or really stupid pedestrians. Didn't Danny mention hitting a wolf? :ummm:
Why is it, for the 2nd time veiwing this thread, I forget about the bunny and wanna become a Dolphins fan?:ummm:

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