Well-Known Member
....will be here tomorrow! Can't wait to see it and hear it. Now just have to figure out the best jetting. Do it myself....or Morley's Jet kit??
How about exhaust gaskets? Stock Yamaha gaskets or cheap ones from ebay? Is there a difference other than in price?
You're gonna Love your Mark's. Assemble everything loosely and make sure it's all correct before tightening it all up.... Watch the brackets for the springs that hold joints together. You can get them on opposite sides from each other....
I got my Marks pipes yesterday, stainless 4-2 and I must say that I'm impressed with the workmanship, particularly the welding, they look great. I have never mounted an exhaust on a bike, but would like to try. I read the how to section and learned how to drop a stock exhaust, but is there any how-to's out here on installing Mark's pipes?
Getting the OEM exhaust off is more involved than putting the Marks on. You should have no problem, just lay everything out and leave it all loose before tightening. I think Redbone had some good pics of his system before install.
Was there supposed to be some springs with the pipes? I found the little brackest at either side of each joint and wondered what was used to hold them together. Also, does some sort of high temp. sealant need to be used inside each joint?
Cool, found the springs amongst all the shredded newspaper, what are the two nuts for? I just said "two nuts", Ha!
had to get new nuts too
Usually its me thinking about what to post, and I get "scoped".....Hahaha, you 'scooped' me Bob!! :rofl_200:
I was laboring over the perfect post and you said it better in 3 little sentences!! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
That's funny!! :biglaugh: