Mattis Resignation...

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I never once said their investigations were or weren't warranted. I was pointing out they were already preparing. Whats ******* hilarious about your list is half of them easily apply to Trump -- my point still stands. Hot takes from your list that easily apply to Trump:

>Was it Wikileaks? Yep! Don't forget Trump LOVES Wikileaks!
>Was it Comey? Yep!
>Pay to play? Yep. Pam Bondi says hi. Mar A Largo says hi.
>Sexual predator? Most definitely. Although I find it odd that you blame Hillary for Bill's lack of dick control. Do you blame Melania for Trumps? Or do you blame Ivanka? Just curious.
>Payoffs to women for their silence? Check and check.
>Charity Foundation? Haha, classic. Didn't the Trump Foundation just have to call it quits because of their fraud? Yep!
>Crossing the line with Attorney General? Hahahaha. Sessions says hello. Perfect!

Yea if those are some reasons for investigations then Trump is being treated absolutely fairly.
I did go back, and yes, it wasnt me that you were speaking to, sorry. You do know that is a bluff to get dems to the table to talk about reforms to immigration, AKA the wall.

Obama was also talking about immigration.....and making changes with a phone and a pen because things couldnt get thru congress.

I'll say this again: Obama was talking about executive orders. I hate them, and would LOVE to see them go away or severely cut in power. But they're not new. They have limitations. Trump signed a ton of them his first few days as POTUS. Trump this week has been talking about declaring a national emergency. That. Is. Completely. Different. Stop trying to pretend they're the same. They're not. And you know this man. You just don't want to admit Trump is threatening to cross a HUGE line here.

There's no way you can say you know he's bluffing given his history as president. He's pulled us out of trade deals, climate change agreements, and now he's yanking us out Syria out of nowhere. And you can say those deals sucked, but just giving everyone the middle finger destroys America's credibility. ******* Mad Dog Mattis resigned because of Trump's impulsive decisions and how they are ****** up our Alliances.

But let me use your logic that he is bluffing. Why do you think that would work? Lets use the rights perspective - that liberals are evil and hellbent on destroying America - paraphrasing Dana Loesch's NRA videos. So why would they NOT want Trump to cross that line and set a new precedent? Say hello to national emergency gun control! National emergency climate change laws! National emergency health care! For Democrats Trump threatening a national emergency is a win win. If he follows through... he sets an incredibly dangerous new precedent moving forward. Will it "trigger the libs lol?" Sure will. Triggering the libs is why the GOP doesn't have a majority in the House anymore. If he doesn't declare a national emergency he'll just look weak. Because the Dems don't seem to be budging on the wall. So he's either gonna have to give up on the wall or follow through with this threat. Trump is a master of painting himself in a corner. And I'd argue done it again if you're telling me this a bluff.

Trump had two years of a GOP controlled House and Senate to get immigration reform done. He keeps saying Democrats are denying the will of the people. Dems won the House because Americans want someone to push back on Trump. Not only did Trump make the wall the centerpiece of his campaign but also saying Mexico was going to pay for it 100%. Again, painted himself into a corner.
This goes tho show one of the points that ive always said.....people that like Trump, will support him, and people that dont, will find any reason why not to like him.

I'm actually surprised that this hasnt been brought into a conversation here at some point in time.

You, obviously are neither politically astute, very well educated nor a gentleman. I base this observation on the fact that thus far in your inane posts you have done nothing but parrot FNN (Fake News Network) and MSNBC talking points.

Although you surely HAVE spent a great deal of time in the “educational” system you seem to have been indoctrinated not… educated. Your “teachers” read “America hating propagandists” must be very proud.

You, seem to have lost sight of the fact that the purpose of civil discourse is to exchange ideas and win others to your point of view. The only way to do this is through the use of sound logic and reasonable argument.

Your CONSTANT use of invective, curse words and the deliberate misspelling of Donald John Trump’s last name and the Word “Republican,” do nothing to bolster your argument. Those of you on the radical left, have decided that in order to “win” your pathetically weak argument, you will simply bully others into silence. And yes, we (Conservatives) are silent… for now.

But make no mistake, that’s because we’re too busy making our way in life to waste time arguing with those of you who are still living in their parents’ basements, playing video games and complaining why YOUR SIDE LOST THE ELECTION OF 2016.

Get over it! We won, you lost and… elections have consequences!

Current political events are the result of a continuum many decades long. Sadly, you just aren’t intellectually sophisticated enough, indeed not well educated enough, for me to waste my time in debating the issues of which you are so ill-informed.

I’ll take a bit of time on this one occasion by listing a FEW things you on the left (and some Republicans) seem so willing to ignore. I will read your response but will not reply because debating illogical people, isn’t worth the effort.

Release the Mueller scope memo.

Release the FISA (Star Chamber Court) memo that was the basis of the ongoing attempted Coup de État of the (duly elected) President of the United States.

Rip apart the inner workings of the Clinton Foundation.

Use the sworn deposition of William Campbell to get the truth about the events surrounding Rosatom a, you guessed it, RUSSIAN Corporation. and the sale of 25%... 25% of United States Uranium reserves to a Canadian foreign national shell corporation, Uranium One.

Get the truth about the death of Seth Rich.

Get the truth about the death of John Ashe.

Get the truth about the death of Victor Thorne.

Get the truth about the death of Shawn Lucas.

Indict James Clapper for perjury before Congress.

Indict Hillary Clinton for destruction of documents pertinent to an ongoing investigation and obstruction of justice.

Indict James Comey for Sedition and the release of classified documents.

Indict John Brennan for Sedition and the release of classified documents.

Find out what happened to the millions of dollars donated by kind hearted people to the Clinton Foundation to help the Hattian People devastated by the earthquake of 2010.

Demand the extradition of Christopher Steel (a foreign agent) to stand trial for DIRECT interference in our United States Presidential election.

Investigate the many examples of how the left stole elections starting with the election stolen by Al Franken who was declared the winner after several boxes of (lost) ballots were found in a car parked in a parking lot over the weekend.

Indict Brenda Snipes for malfeasance of office and the deliberate and willful disenfranchisement of conservative voters in the Dade County Senatorial election of 2018.

Indict Lois Lerner and John Koskinen for using Internal Revenue Service thugs as their own Gestapo.

Indict Eric Holder for running guns into Mexico while he was AGoUS that resulted in the death of Brian Terry.

Find out why the United States is still paying for defense of the European Union and Turkey (now there’s a reliable ally) against the USSR decades after that bankrupt tyranny went under.

Perform an independent (not Navy) investigation the Forrestal disaster.

And on and on and… ON!

You wouldn’t stand a chance in a one-on-one political debate with me bud!

I have edited your posts above to illustrate to others on this list how little of value you have brought to this discussion. Why don’t you keep your mouth shut regarding my President? Rational people, don’t care what insults you may puke up.
Great post.
B S is just a poo flinger. That's all he's got.
[Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah]

You have posted so many times to this thread, I will have to copy and paste them into my Word program and organize them before responding. I have limited time to spend on this topic and I don't want to waste it repeating myself.

I'll get to it though. I'll give you this; at least you are (attempting) to carry on a logical discussion... albeit with yourself. More when I have the time.

I just HAVE to ask though; did you happen to see the slam down Mueller's office made re the Buzzfeed Very Fake "News" story that Trump directed Cohen to lie in his testimony before Congress? That's because Mueller knows he has NOTHING and is preparing for the eventually when he will have to admit it in public.

Maybe Buzzfeed will do a story about James Clapper's lie before Congress that the CIA doesn't spy on American Citizens "deliberately." We ALL saw that lie on national television and we are waiting for the indictment to fall.
You have posted so many times to this thread, I will have to copy and paste them into my Word program and organize them before responding. I have limited time to spend on this topic and I don't want to waste it repeating myself.

I'll get to it though. I'll give you this; at least you are (attempting) to carry on a logical discussion... albeit with yourself. More when I have the time.

I just HAVE to ask though; did you happen to see the slam down Mueller's office made re the Buzzfeed Very Fake "News" story that Trump directed Cohen to lie in his testimony before Congress? That's because Mueller knows he has NOTHING and is preparing for the eventually when he will have to admit it in public.

Maybe Buzzfeed will do a story about James Clapper's lie before Congress that the CIA doesn't spy on American Citizens "deliberately." We ALL saw that lie on national television and we are waiting for the indictment to fall.

It's a forum. Forums are where people discuss topics. If you don't have time to discuss, that's fine. Trying to sling half witted insults on those that do is weak and impotent. You can bring up Buzzfeed all you want. I'll wait for when you show me I've used them for anything I've said so far in this thread. Hell I'll even challenge you to find one time I've ever mentioned or linked something from them in the entire time I've been on these forums. Oh right, you're a busy man. I'll do the work for you. I've used them as a source/reference exactly 0 times.

Mueller's team responding that the article was not accurate was far from a slam down. They kept it pretty vague deliberately but sure you should consider it win for your tribe. As to Mueller having nothing in his report. I don't think that will be the case at all. Here's my question to you, if there is, are you going to believe it? I mean you're taking their word now on their response to the Buzzfeed article. Or are you only going to believe them when it works for your tribes favor? Don't really have to answer that, save yourself some more precious time, I'm pretty sure I know the answer already.

Manafort sharing polling data with a intel asset for a foreign adversary that was committing cyber attacks on our election system(confirmed by Trumps own DHS Secretary Nielson) along with propaganda measures to influence votes is not "nothing." Don Jr. meeting with agents of that same foreign adversary for dirt on Clinton is not "nothing." Manafort, Cohen, Papadpolous, Flynn spending time in jail is not "nothing."
This goes tho show one of the points that ive always said.....people that like Trump, will support him, and people that dont, will find any reason why not to like him.

I'm actually surprised that this hasnt been brought into a conversation here at some point in time.

Remember when Fox got their panties in a bunch about Obama the mustard he put on his hamburger? Or wearing a beige suit? You keep trying to claim Trump is being treated differently than a Democrat, but you keep failing at it. You are right with your premise though. Human nature... when people don't like "insert-name-here" they will find any reason not to like that person. You just fail to acknowledge you're guilty of the same behavior.

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[Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah]


“That's distinct.”

You need to look up the difference between the words “distinct” and “distinction” They have completely different meanings in this context.

The poster to whom you are responding with this rant is saying that President Trump will serve his term with “distinction” with honor, not that he will be merely different from some other.


This presidency is the first in US history where the whole world has seen the first lady naked.

And this is a bad thing… how? She’s a beautiful woman. If you think it’s bad, then be a gentleman and avert your hungry eyes.


I remember when Republicans lost their minds when Michelle Obama wore sleeveless dresses.

I don’t remember that.


His main source of communication is Twitter

Because that’s the only way he can get his message to the American People and bypass the lying “Very Fake News” Press. Cf. YESTERDAY’S “news” from BuzzFeed. Even MSNBC the (All Hate All the Time) “news” channel stopped reporting that. Between FNN (Fake News Network) and MSNBM the word “impeach” was used more than 200 times; but always preceded by the weasel words “if it’s true” or some variation.


…and he tweets like an angry teenager…

What does an angry teenager tweet like? You have studied your Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals well. Ignore the CONTENT of what he’s saying and go straight for the ridicule.


He's eliminated damn near all US trust with our allies…

This is an opinion NOT a fact! You should stay away from absolutes unless you are willing to enumerate them.


Kim Jong Un ******* PLAYED him like a fool in front of the world.

But… we aren’t in a nuclear war! By the way, a fool, is exactly how Kim played Obama for eight years; as did the Iranians and the Chinese.

Trump would never bow to a Saudi king; or any other king for that matter.

Your use of the word “*******” is gratuitous and does nothing but demonstrate your lack of control.


Trump was an absolute coward in Helsinki next to Putin in front of the world.

Trump may be many things, but a coward he’s NOT. Do you remember how he shook off Secret Service agents to confront the idiot that jumped the rope line during the campaign? How about how he squared off against your darling Jim Acosta of FNN after he assaulted the young (female) aid who was trying to do her job and get the microphone. That’s why Acosta finally released the mic. Watch the clip! Trump, as he says, “cherishes” women. He is a true feminist and not afraid to be branded a “toxic” male.


Did you forget when world leaders literally LAUGHED at Trump at the UN? That's distinct.

No, I didn’t forget. They laughed, because he made a joke.

Come on. I left you a great opening here. I’m going to be disappointed if you don’t respond with something like, “he didn’t MAKE a joke, he IS a joke.” It’s too easy and... it’s so predictable. It’s in the book, Rules for Radicals. “Never pass up an opportunity to ridicule and debase your interlocuter.”

The US is borrowing money from China to bail out farmers for his trade war with China.

Because Trump is confronting the PRC unlike Obama who pretended China was a reliable trading partner for … eight years. So, you think Trump should just let the farmers go bankrupt?

“His” trade war. No, it’s China’s trade war. Trump is just fighting it. Obama got owned by the Chinese as I have said.


Guess who is going to supply China with more soybeans? Russia.

No actually, I think it’s Brazil. You are suggesting Trump is in cahoots with Putin to help his (Putin’s) economy. Remember he didn’t connive with a Canadian shell corporation (Uranium One) to facilitate a deal with a RUSSIAN STATE CORPORATION (Rosatom) to defraud the American People of 25% of a precious natural resource, Uranium. This was done to enrich the Clinton Foundation’s coffers. I am waiting for William Campbell, who has been deposed on the facts surrounding this crime to appear in court! Hopefully, William Barr will start issuing indictment and begin the process of “Lock[ing] Her Up” as soon as he’s confirmed. We have the majority in the Senate and we increased our margin there. This won’t be another Brett Cavanaugh hearing.


He's got the pentagon spinning in circles because they don't know what the hell he wants.

You must have an inside source who told you this. Unnamed of course, or maybe you have TWO unnamed sources like that paragon of truth… BuzzFeed with its very fake news story yesterday.


He's under FBI counter intelligence investigation.

We all know, the FBE (aka. Federal Bureau of Incompetence) is FILLED with dirty cops and dirty leadership. This is a topic that would take pages to fully illustrate. James Comey, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele… oh man! Just getting the indictments handed out to the criminal’s lawyers in this one agency is going to keep the incoming AGoUS, William Barr, busy for months.

This agency needs to be completely dismantled and its duties taken over by the Justice Department. It is probably THE MOST CORRUPT AGENCY IN THE UNITED STATES BUREAUOCRACY! IT IS ROTTEN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!


Manaforts lawyers epically failed with their redactment letting everyone know the Trump campaign DID collude with Russia by sharing polling data with a Russian intel asset.

What? Are you saying, as MSNBC reported, that the redactions themselves were proof Trump colluded because the length of the redacted lines could be filled in with particular names? Your unbelievable bias has been fully exposed with this totally DISCREDITED example!


He deliberately concealed all records of all five of his one on ones with Putin.

The President of the United States does NOT negotiate with other Heads of State in public. Nattering Nancy Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck Schumer SHOULD negotiate Wall funding in public so the American People can see who is truly responsible for the Democrat’s partial shutdown. Heads of State… NEVER!


His former lawyer that made hush money pay offs during Trumps presidential campaign to porn stars Trump raw dogged. I'd like to remind you that Trump lied every damn step of the way when it came to that.

“Raw dogged??” Most adulterers DO lie about sex outside marriage. At least he didn’t commit statutory RAPE like Bill Clinton when he took a woman barely more than a child, and a subordinate to boot, into the Oval office where he committed upon her, sodomy with his cigar and forced her to “service” him… in the OVAL OFFICE… the sanctum sanctorum of freedom throughout the world. AND YOU DARE TO CALL MY PRESIDENT CHILDISH!! AND YOUR SIDE DARES TO CHARACTERIZE ITSELF AS “FEMINIST!!”

Just wait until the Democrats run Joe Biden. Talk about a target rich environment! Have you ever seen video of him putting his hands all over other men’s wives? How about his nuzzling young girls in front of national cameras? Talk to the female Secret Service agents forced to watch him swim nude in the swimming pool at the Vice President’s residence.


He owns the longest government shutdown in US history. That's distinct.

No, The DEMOCRATS own that one! FUND THAT WALL!! Just now he laid out a complete plan with something for both sides. Let’s see what happens now.


The biggest drop of the DOW in a single day was under his administration. That's distinct.

You obviously don’t follow the stock market. Things move fast guy, you need to keep up.


He broke the Secret Service's budget his first year. That's distinct.

Whatever it costs to protect the President. It’s like healthcare for Veterans; cost is (should) not be a factor. This money comes off the top and then everything else gets funded. Veterans have EARNED their share. They shouldn’t even have to ask.


And while I never make fun of anyone’s looks, the orange crap he wears is HIS choice and it looks ridiculous. That's most definitely distinct.

You say “never” and then you do just that. Talk about hypocrisy! It’s kind of like you getting in a lather over Donald Trump doing it with a freakin’ PORNSTAR a… WHORE but give Bill a pass on his despicable behavior. Monica Lewinski wasn’t the only one either. And neither was it “straight” sex. He was fond of inflicting pain on his victims by biting their lips. And yes, I do believe the victim with this accusation. More than one of his victims has divulged this sadistic act.

And you speak of misinformation while you speak of "distinction" of one of the most prolific liars in US political history.

Just another one of your opinions.


Whether its him saying Mexico will pay for the wall 100%(he even laid out how he was going to force them to pay for it on his campaign website),

Stay tuned to this station for further developments.


or that he never said Mexico was going to pay for it, or trade wars are easy to win, or ISIS is defeated, or he never slept with Stormy Daniels, he never paid them off,

Mexico will pay.

Trade wars are easy to win but you have to fight them, unlike Obama

Isis is defeated. Even a dead snake can bite.

“I never had sex with that woman Ms. Lewinski…” oh wait…

Paying whores is exactly what you DO, do with them. They’re supposed to keep their mouths shut (for talking anyway) after that.


he knows more about drones than anybody, no one has been tougher on Russia than him... the list goes on and on.

I don't think the word distinction will be associated to Trump in the history books like you think it will.

Donald Trump is going to go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived. He is going to rip apart the elitist system in Washington D.C. the same way Ronald Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union.

I’m dropping the mic here. But please, go on debating yourself. It's quite entertaining.
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I'm living in a fictional world I've created in my own head.

-The man who says I need to cover my delicate eyes from nude pictures of the first lady has a problem with the word ****. What can I say? I like to cuss. Speaking of ******* words:

  1. 1.
    a difference or contrast between similar things or people.
    "there is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics"
    synonyms: difference, contrast, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divergence, variance, variation; More
  2. 2.
    excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.
    "a novelist of distinction"

I know you want to make up definitions of words. And you can do that in the world in your head. But I'm gonna stick to definitions we have in this ******* reality. In the context a president serving with distinction it means that presidents administration was different than others. If he did in fact mean serve "with honor" then he is using the word distinction as incorrectly as you are using it.

Also in case you didn't know what "raw-dogged" meant. It's euphemism(look that word up yourself) means having sex without using a condom. So to make it easy for you to understand. Since you said she was a WHORE. The current President of the United States, vehemently supported by Evangelical Christians, cheated on his 3rd wife by having sex without a condom with a whore. Wow, sounds a lot worse when I put it like that. Thanks.

-Regarding Pentagon:
Here's an interesting line from Fox News article. :

"The Pentagon, roiled first by the surprise withdrawal order from Trump and then the abrupt resignation of Mattis, offered no information about how the withdrawal will happen or how long it will take, apparently because they don't know."

Are they too liberal to be considered credible? Let me know.

-Your logic: KJU didn't play Trump because we aren't a nuclear war, but he played Obama! Cool. So by your logic, point to me the nuclear war with North Korea during the Obama years. Thanks.

-When I was talking about making fun of somoenes looks, I thought it was obvious I was referring to things they CANT control. Trump's spray on is ridiculous but completely voluntary. You can't understand that "distinction" I'm sure. Please show me where I gave Bill Clinton a pass on anything. Oh, because I didn't mention him then in your fictional world that equates to a pass on something? Maybe I didn't mention Bill Clinton because he was president 20 years ago!? It's 2019. The current president is Donald Trump and he lied about every... damn... fact... regarding his affairs AND THEIR coverup. Your "whataboutism" of president who served 20 years ago is ridiculous. Trump lied about everything regarding those payoffs and his affairs. That is a fact.

-I don't follow the stock market closely, you got me there. And yet it still doesn't change the truth of what I said. Which is why you didn't counter it with anything other than hot air.

-Russia to supply soybeans:

-Regarding the Gov't shutdown. No the Democrats don't own it. You can't spend your entire campaign, and have millions of people in red hats chanting "Mexico will pay for the wall" and then say Democrats own this. Trump had two ******* years with a GOP House and Senate and didn't get it done. And do you really want me to link the clip of him saying he would own it? Shall I quote it Trump for you? "I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it." But now he is blaming Democrats for it because that's what cowards do. He's never accepted blame for one thing. Ever.

-Regarding Trump's joke at the UN. They laughed after he stated "No other president has done more than I have." So you're saying that was his joke? Ok.

-Regarding Helsinki. Dude, just stop. Even conservatives who often support Trump say Helsinki was horrible. No one in the right mind would say he looked strong there.

-Donald Trump is going to rip apart the elitists. Sure. The man who broke the Secret Service budget in his first year because they couldnt afford the lease in Trump Tower when his wife stayed there long after he took office is gonna rip apart elitists. I'm sure he'll do that between his rounds of golf down at Mar A Largo where they upped the membership fee by 100k for exclusive access to him. The man who calls his golf resort in Florida the Southern White House is going to rip apart elitists! Hahahahaha. How many of Trumps picks have left their office due to scandals of their extravagant spending with taxpayer money? Yea, he's really ripping up those elitists alright. Oh but I'm sure you have a different definition of that word as well.
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I've done a lot of research on these topics, going from one source to another. No body is going to change anybody else's beliefs; except when it comes to carb or engine work...I used to come to this site daily, then the format change and...well not so much anymore.
Good debate guys. Something we should all keep in mind is to put a little focus on what we have in common rather than our differences. GOP or dem, we are all rooting against the Patriots tomorrow, jk pats fans. Seriously though, views won’t be persuaded when it comes to being for or against Trump. I don’t particularly care for the guy but he is our president and I hope for good things for him and our country. I’m certainly no sheep and have yet to find a politician I could ever root for. Im curious why trump supporters think that if you don’t like the guy or think he should be impeached you must be a left wing radical who can’t get over the fact that you lost the election. Pretty sure I can think politicians from both sides of the isle are idiots. And I’m pretty damn sure I haven’t lost anything. Also not saying he should be impeached but it sure seems like he has **** the bed pretty good. I’m really hoping that libertarian or independent candidates will start shaking up the political scene. In the end I will choose to make the best out of whatever puppet is sitting in the White House. I think something good to come from this president will be that most people will realize that game show hosts don’t make good presidents.
Remember when Fox got their panties in a bunch about Obama the mustard he put on his hamburger? Or wearing a beige suit? You keep trying to claim Trump is being treated differently than a Democrat, but you keep failing at it. You are right with your premise though. Human nature... when people don't like "insert-name-here" they will find any reason not to like that person. You just fail to acknowledge you're guilty of the same behavior.

You are making assumptions. All that I said was that the MSM is biased against Trump. I have never said that i am any better...or worse.....guilty of the same behaviour....or not. Assumptions....and your trying to change the subject.

The Rules
  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

    Rules for radicals....its interesting when you actually see them get put into play.
How am I trying to change the subject? You're saying the media has a bias against Trump. And you give an example of them nitpicking about Trumps ice cream and I show you how they nitpicked about Obama's choice of mustard.

Obama was public enemy #1 on Fox News during his administration. Glenn Beck literally made week long series playing out fictional doomsday scenarios when Obama took office. He even had current NSA John Bolton on during those doomsday shows claiming Obama was destroying our nation. Scenarios that never happened by the way. He also called Obama a racist on Fox. And during the Obama administration Fox News CONSTANTLY bragged they were the #1 watched news network. And the ratings proved it. They indeed WERE the #1 watched news network. So explain to me how the news network that is #1 in viewer ratings isn't considered mainstream? You can't. So when you say "Mainstream Media" you HAVE to include Fox News into that group even if Fox News is on the opposite political spectrum. And Fox News are just as guilty of everything you've accused other networks of doing.

And you know what... the "MSM bias" complaint is tired. It was Sarah Palin swan song while she kept grifting all the fools who though she was gonna make a presidential run 10 years ago. **** or get off the pot. Yes, bias exists. It has been around for decades now. Presidents from both parties prior to Trump has had to deal with it. Any presidential candidate in present day needs to have a plan to deal with it other than crying about it. And yes that goes for Democrats who will complain about Fox News. If a candidate can't deal with media bias, they're not ready for the job.

I will say this, because perhaps it's relevant. I've made similar claims in other threads on this forum years ago. Cable news is trash. Across the board. I've never defended it. I haven't had cable TV since 2007. CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, etc... they're all trash. Why? Because the #1 driver for ALL of them -- that includes your precious Fox News -- is ratings. Ratings = Adverstising = Profit. And if ratings is the #1 driver of a news network then truth wont come out. These news networks play to their audience for the ratings. CNN knows most of their viewers hate Trump so they play to that audience just like Fox News played to their audience during the Obama years. These networks are about entertainment first and foremost. I'd argue this is why we have Trump as a president. This why Republicans have considered Kid Rock and why Democrats have considered Oprah as political candidates. America is ate up with celebrity. America values celebrity over competency. America has lost its ******* mind.

But I will say CNN is one of the worst if not the worst. I put them and Fox on the same tier. I wish Democrats would realize CNN hurts them far more than it helps them and wish Republicans would realize that about Fox News as well.

And if you're saying to yourself Fox New is different then you can't see outside your bias. We all have bias. That's part of being human. No ONE is 100% un-biased. But are we wise enough to acknowledge our biases and consider them when making judgments? That's what I try to do. I don't always get it right, but I keep trying to get better at it.

In those golden days of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather, TV networks didn't make money on news. The news departments actually cost those networks money. But there was a time in this country that it was expected that TV networks provided some sort of real benefit to the citizenry other than just entertainment. So it was a cost networks were willing to absorb. That's why we all grew up on Seasame Street, Mr. Rogers, and Schoolhouse Rock. That's no longer the case. Ted Turner proved with is creation of CNN that news could make a profit. And that was the beginning of the end in my opinion. It has evolved into what we see today. It's why the days of news anchors like Cronkite, Jennings, Mudd, Rather, etc have been replaced by pundits. Because people from both tribes tune into the pundits so they can hear the pundits validate the viewers biases.

Finally, I really have zero idea of how your "rules" is relevant to your claims Trump is being mistreated by media. And these are rules for who? For your team or the enemy? I'm guessing its for your team because once again you provide a list that I could easily apply to Trump.

-Ridicule is a man's most potent weapon: Lying Ted Cruz, Crying Chuck Schumer, Liddle Marco Rubio, Liddle Bob Corker -- do those ring any bells?

-A good tactic is one your people enjoy: BUILD THAT WALL! BUILD THAT WALL! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! MAGA! MAGA!

-The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition: Already provided a link to how Republican had years of investigations lined up for Clinton.

-The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself: See migrant caravan and the troops that were deployed to the border. Also see the lies the Trump administration tried floating in regards to 4,000 terrorists coming across the southern border.
Good debate guys. Something we should all keep in mind is to put a little focus on what we have in common rather than our differences. GOP or dem, we are all rooting against the Patriots tomorrow, jk pats fans. Seriously though, views won’t be persuaded when it comes to being for or against Trump. I don’t particularly care for the guy but he is our president and I hope for good things for him and our country. I’m certainly no sheep and have yet to find a politician I could ever root for. Im curious why trump supporters think that if you don’t like the guy or think he should be impeached you must be a left wing radical who can’t get over the fact that you lost the election. Pretty sure I can think politicians from both sides of the isle are idiots. And I’m pretty damn sure I haven’t lost anything. Also not saying he should be impeached but it sure seems like he has **** the bed pretty good. I’m really hoping that libertarian or independent candidates will start shaking up the political scene. In the end I will choose to make the best out of whatever puppet is sitting in the White House. I think something good to come from this president will be that most people will realize that game show hosts don’t make good presidents.

I've been an independent since McCain lost the primaries to GWB. I left the Republican party after that. But I know every one on here things I'm a wacked out liberal. Whatever, I really don't care. I've said in other threads in the past I wish there as a 3 party system for independents as I'm not a fan of the two party system. But here's what I fear even more now. A one party system. And when I say one party, I'm actually referring to the Democratic party. Because I think Trump is trashing the Republican party in a big way long term. But it's not just him. What's trashing the Republican party is no one really pushes back on him. And those that do get called RINO cucks and forced out. We've seen this over and over. I mean they turned on Admiral McRaven(the Navy SEAL commander who orchestrated taking out Bin Laden) in a flash the moment he spoke one word criticism towards Trump. I saw Trump supporters cheering for McCains brain tumor to take him out faster, I was disgusted and shocked. When I see Evangelicals rallying around him than any other Republican president I am baffled. To use a turn of phrase here...I truly don't understand why Trump is the hill the Republican party has chosen to die on.
-The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself: See migrant caravan and the troops that were deployed to the border.

Tell that to these people


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Now show you me your concern for all folks who died in Parkland, and Newtown, and Las Vegas by the hands of natural born Americans. Heck, you even called me out for exaggerating the numbers of the Vegas shooting. But Trump doing it about the border is fine with you. Weren't you preaching in this thread about misinformation? Even Texas Republican Rep Will Hurd said the "crisis" was a myth.

Human beings do bad things to other humans. That's an unfortunate fact of life. It's not inherent to just immigrants. But the Trump administration was exaggerating what's really going on at the border. That's undeniable. I feel at this point I have point out that highlighting the Trump administrations exaggeration does not mean I don't want better border security or that I don't care about the loss of those lives.

But you listed the rules... I didn't. I merely showed you how those rules are employed by Trump.

I wanted to get your take on something. I guess you can consider me trying to change the subject. Although I can talk about two different things if you can. But I remember a while back ago you said that was an important tool for you. How do you feel about it today? I'm genuinely curious.
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