New York & gun control

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You Guyz are right on!! The Gov. has become the enemy, and they want us disarmed and divided.

Would it matter if I own a house in the States, vote there, pay taxes there, and contribute to the U.S. society? Would it matter why I'm in Mexico? Would it matter that my Max is parked in a 14 story garage and I can ride it all year instead of 4 months like in New England? Or that I'm living directly on the Pacific Ocean in a 1800 square foot condo with 4 swimming pools, nine hot tubs, a gym, and more for less money than I'm leasing my house for? You can find out all about it for only ten dollars. Buy the book my wife and I wrote from, " Escaping the USA". Plus the chances are good you will see us on TV. The Travel Channel which will be a documentary about Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico. This is a project I'm involved with that has already started.

All things being equal...mexico has strict gun laws, and how has that protected its citizens?
It looks like Missouri is the place to go and buy guns right now.... I cannot believe they collectively voted for a law like that, Hell that leaves the public largely un protected especially since the Feds in 05 determined that police departments are no longer in force to protect the citizens but to enforce the laws. Where the F@$K is this country headed???
Just found this from the Wayne Lapierre NRA... Response to the BO SOU Speech.
Liberal Gun Agenda for all of America Explained. BTW: The NRA is growing fast.:clapping:

Wayne did an excellent job with this! :thumbs up:

I'm afraid I should have titled this thread "The US and Gun Control" It appears that several other states are getting on the wagon with gun control legislation (some even worse than NY's regs), MN, MO, NM, CO, are a few I've heard mentioned. At least they are giving a little warning, not jamming it thru in the middle of the night like the 'King' here did.

You'll want to keep on top of this guys, undoubtedly this movement is strongly backed by the feds so it will take a serious effort to stop it.
Found some real BS Legislation being proposed in Missouri. Worse than Feinsteins Plan. Wrote an E-Mail to the CEO of CMMG. One of the companies I test for. He wrote back and said the legislation was now TOTALLY DOA. He and others spent a week at the state capitol making it so.....:clapping::clapping::clapping:
Well like I told someome here a while back....."Looks like I need to pick up a 2nd job...there are a LOT of people depending on my paycheck"..:rofl_200:
Those companies better have there books in order. There about to get audited :damn angry: :bang head:
Looking at just this one number amongst all these ridiculous numbers: Debt per Citizen 2004= $24233/ 2008= $31,052/ 2012= $52,413!!!

You are right Dave, this very scary! :bang head::bang head::bang head:
Looking at just this one number amongst all these ridiculous numbers: Debt per Citizen 2004= $24233/ 2008= $31,052/ 2012= $52,413!!!

You are right Dave, this very scary! :bang head::bang head::bang head:
Oh, don't worry. It's not that bad, debt is good, if they don't spend ourselves out of depression it will be worse, it was worse after WWII, George Bush is responsible, we can't afford not to spend more, even though we have increased government spending and devalued our currency on top of that for over 40 years its OK, nothing to see here, move along.
Just go back to watching Survivor on TV and let the liberals take gooood care of you, after all it has worked so well in Argentina, france, Zimbabwe, Greece, Spain etc etc.....

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