Well-Known Member
Just heard on the news that the guy is dead. Cops shot him. They also said he was recently released from mental health facility. Lets see If that makes the mainstream news. His name was Kurt Meyers.
Well as of today you can't sell a gun in NY to anyone with out a background check, except immediate family. I wonder how many criminals they made today, that yesterday were regular guys. For example if I wanted to buy a gun from Dannymax, can't do it without Government approval. :bang head::bang head:
The noose is tightening, NOT GOOD!!!!
I bet immediate families got real big today.
If I had a gun to sell you....(I don't cause they all went to the bottom when the boat tipped over:bang head....but if I did, I bet we could figure something out!! :hmmm::whistlin::hmmm:
Sorry to hear about all your guns at the bottom of the lake, Danny. I wouldn't have bought one from you anyway. They're way to scary for me. That loud sound always scares me when you push the trigger. I did find out something interesting. It seems I have a long lost brother from the area you live. There's a good chance were Immediate family.:icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
The NRA can help you find an attorney that understands firearms related law. ****s like this trying to intimidate their way into a family home should cause OUTRAGE.
The guy stood up for his rights. The first step is actually knowing them. I hate having to deal with lawyers, but it might be worth finding one that can deal with this stuff. :damn angry:
They're saying on the radio now that they are considering changing the seven bullet limit back to ten. They are so good to us.
The guy stood up for his rights. The first step is actually knowing them. I hate having to deal with lawyers, but it might be worth finding one that can deal with this stuff. :damn angry:
They're saying on the radio now that they are considering changing the seven bullet limit back to ten. They are so good to us.
Yeah, Sheldon Silver mentioned that was being considered in an effort to get the budget passed. Blo-Mo jumped all over his **** and said that is NOT being considered!!
The phrase "Discretion is the better part of valor" went right over his head!! That boy just don't know when to back up a little...gonna be a hoot watching his career go down in a huge fiery crash!! :clapping:
There both useless, but I think Shelly silver swings a bigger hammer than Andy. It will be interesting to watch. Maybe they can take each other out. :bang head:
Saw Blo-mo on the news tonight, he said he will not entertain any broad sweeping changes in the cocksafe actbiglaugh
but will address 'inconsistancies'......"the seven round restriction in a ten round magazine is we will be addressing that."
I don't know what the **** he was talking about but it does sound like they will probly be allowing us 10 rds in a 10 rd there was ever any doubt anyhow!unk: